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play, the chemmen will find us like they found our beloved king and queen.
Der quietly stepped back on to the floor.  Why would they want you, Eve? She frowned
thoughtfully.  You re not just a cook, are you?
Eve shook her head.  No, I am not. The name that everyone knows to call me now is
Evelyn of Elloan. Yes, I took a human name, but that is a story for another day. I am the
Baroness of Elloan, and it was I who banished the chemmen into Darkreign and sealed them
there in case the legends that no one could leave were not true. She sat primly on the bench.
 It s misdirection, sir knight. We don t know the size of their force, so we don t know how large
of an army we need.
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton�165
Jakkobb shook his head vehemently.  No, my lady, there are less dangerous roads for
Der cocked her head.  I knew you couldn t be just a cook! But, if you re a magic user,
why can t you just tell us what the chemmen are planning? Or who this traitor is?
Eve smiled sadly.  My dear, I am powerful, but I do not know everything. I simply cannot
divine anything that I wish. I would wish to know if the chemman is lying about a spy, but sadly,
I do not.
The duke distractedly waved his hand over the map.  My lady, I also must protest. You
may be the only one who can damn them back into Darkreign. I must protest.
 I see our future without attempting this madness. She looked to Der.  If we do nothing
to argue our fate, then we will all perish. She held out her hands.  I will be the bait. It will buy
your raid a few days, which can buy the army their couple weeks.
 This won t work, my lady! one of the other elves shouted.
 Why not? They said the tactic of the Battle of the Bridge wouldn t work either. One
often needs the enemy to believe something other than the truth. Echoes of horror and gasps
bounced around the chamber.  Misdirection worked then, it can work now.
 It nearly didn t, Jakkobb s voice rung hollowly, and a little piece of hell burned in his
eyes.  But, it had to be done. However, not like this.
 Sounds like you know the legend well, Der observed.
 That happens when you see it with your own eyes.
 But that s ancient history! Over two thousand years! She clapped her hands on her
cheeks.  Oh, and you said you d been a soldier a long time.
Farallon clapped his hands together once.  About time you realized with whom you re
The mayor said,  I agree with the duke. I also agree with him about this raid,  tis a
ludicrous plot.
 A small raiding party would leave the larger forces here to protect Arborn, once they ve
gathered. The captain smiled a bit himself.
The duke waved his hand around.  This stupid, incredibly outrageous idea, was thought
of by a fool who s never been in a war before. She doesn t know what she s talking about.
Der didn t lose the rhythm of the conversation.  Yes, yes, alright, but at least we can all
agree we need to defeat the chemmen. You re scattered with no army and defenseless people
are being slain. The only thing you can do is cause a distraction, and fast. It s all just common
sense, really. They re your enemy, not mine.
 They re the enemy of every sentient being, child, the mayor said.  In fact, I m surprised
that the chemmen didn t attack the dwarves first.
Kaleb shook his head slowly.  Of course they re enemies too, but not as much as we
are. They want revenge most.
Der shrugged.  They re still enemies.
Farallon slammed his knee with a fist.  Too far! This has gone too far! Silence echoed
around the chamber.
 The raid could work! she yelled.  It would buy you the time and 
 And reveal our desperation! Farallon jumped to his feet.  My prince 
Kaleb raised both eyebrows calmly. They did all the work yelling does for most people.
 Pardon me, Duke Farallon, but I must ve missed your plan of war. What was it again?
All Things Impossible Crown of the Realm Dalton�166
A stunned silence attacked the room. Heads swung back between the prince, the duke
and the young girl.
Jakkobb cleared this throat.  I think this raid could be successful as well. It s no more
insane than any other diversions.
The duke pointed to the map.  Draw them out into the open surface, our territory, where
we are superior.
 I agree entirely with the duke, Amthros said.
The cook extended a delicate hand toward the map.  I believe our gallant captain has
Jakkobb frowned.  Waste many more men s lives, spend too much time to set the attack
up, less chance of victory, and so on.
 I can t believe we re discussing this preposterous idea of raiding the chemmen! the
duchess interjected.  If we do successfully raid them, what do we gain? A few trinkets?
The captain s eyes twinkled dangerously.  If we re going to be this reckless; if we decide [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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