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second, in my arms. Now I can die a happy man. You are
my paradise, love."
She could see the truth of his sweet words in his
beautiful eyes, and she sobbed harder. His paling
complexion told her his life was draining fast, too fast, and
Mika whispered to him as her heart broke.
"Wynn, I love you. Please don't leave me!"
She knew the truth of it. She loved him beyond
words. The man was special, and no one could ever match
him, so when he died, her joy would die with him.
As Mika begged him not to die, a storm came out of
nowhere. Closing her eyes, and shielding her face from the
debris whipping about, she tried to protect Wynn too, and
make sure he was still alive.
In a strange moment, she saw his face flash. She
saw his face, then his face as a skeleton under the flesh.
Suddenly, insanely, she saw him with the face of a cat.
Blinking, she tried to keep watching, but the storm was too
much. She heard thunder, and a streak of lightening
flashed. Blackness clawed at her from the storm as the
thunder spirit tried reaching for her. Bitterness twisted in
Just One Night Ashlynn Monroe
her heart. Yelling at the sky, she raged her pain for the loss
of the man she loved.
"I don't care anymore. If you want me you son-of-a-
bitch& here I am!"
Nothing happened.
Warmth filled her arms, and brightness enveloped
her. Wynn's body glowed, holding the darkness at bay. A
shriek broke the night's silence as the light from Wynn's
body filled the thunder spirit. Mika's body was a portal
from Hell to Earth, and demons cried out as Wynn's light
sealed the portal, healing her soul, saving her!
Earlier, the weather promised a clear, mild evening,
but now, a cold rain began pelting them, and she was sure
she felt hail. Where had the freak storm come from? Gone
was the thunder spirit. Gone was the present darkness.
After so many years, a vacuum of safety overwhelmed her.
It felt oddly disconcerting not to feel evil pressing against
her. They'd won, and the underworld lost. Looking down at
Wynn's damaged body, Mika felt the victory was meager
and hollow. He was hanging on to a slim thread of life.
She heard ambulances in the distance.
Wynn looked different. She was unsure of why or
what was different, but there was something more solid,
Just One Night Ashlynn Monroe
more real about him. His color was returning, and she
hoped there was time to get him to the hospital.
Mika shrieked, startled, when Wynn stood, pulled
her up, and rushed her into a nearby alley. She listened to
the paramedics arguing with the bartender. Mika and Wynn
hid quietly until the ambulance pulled away. For a man
with a near fatal gunshot wound, he was terribly quick.
When they were alone in the dark and rain, he lifted the
corner of his toga, and she saw the area under the blood had
no bullet hole. There was a strange 'x' shaped mark that
looked like a fresh scar, but he was no longer bleeding. It
was another miracle.
Looking at him questioningly, he just smiled that
delicious, sexy smile. Mika laughed as he scooped her into
his arms and carried her in the rain towards her apartment
almost a mile away.
"Wynn, you can't carry me all the way home."
He looked deeply, intensely, into her eyes. When he
spoke, she heard the promise of his desire under his words,
and she shivered with the heat it stirring inside of her.
"I have you now, Mika. I've waited for you for
longer than you can imagine. I know what it is to love, and
I am never letting you go, my sweet woman. You are my
Just One Night Ashlynn Monroe
She knew he meant every word he said, and she
knew she loved him beyond common sense or reason.
Her cell phone rang in her small purse. She
managed to open the purse and answer the phone, still held
in his arms.
"Hello." She answered.
"Hi, I am with Dr. Mow's veterinary clinic. I think
I've found a home for your cat."
Smiling and trying not to laugh, Mika spoke with
humor and honest conviction.
"That's alright. I think I'll keep him." And she did.
About the Author
Ashlynn Monroe is a busy wife and mom. She's been
writing since she was a teenager for her own pleasure, but
in her thirties, she decided it was time to share her stories.
She enjoys writing about anything and everything
paranormal or fantasy-related while maintaining a career as
a full time customer service professional. When she is not
lovingly raising her young family, she is dreaming up her
next tale of romance.
She'd love to hear from you at
authorashlynnmonroe@gmail.com. Visit her website at
http://ashlynnmonroe.webs.com/ or for her YA books go to
Other Books by Ashlynn Monroe
Blood and Bondage
Hidden Magic
Chemical Lust
Passion's Escape
Lost Heart's [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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