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Lindsay backed up a step, panting."Jesus Christ!" she hissed under her breath."It's me,
not the boogieman.And did you have to try and kill me?"Grimacing, she clutched one of
her hands to her chest."I was just trying to get your attention without letting the entire
town know I was here."
Ginny's mouth dropped open and her jaw dangled in the breeze.Now she knew what it
was that one of the girls who'd passed her on the street was carrying.Her temper
exploded as a tendril of white-hot jealousy intertwined with the anger she was still feeling
over being ditched at the church.Together they formed a vise around her heartÉ and
squeezed."What the hell happened to your pants?"
"Don't you swear at me!" Lindsay blinked a few times, startled by her own
statement."Something is wrong with this entire conversation."
"What's wrong is that you're naked!"Ginny wanted to stamp her foot.Instead, with jerky,
angry movements, she shrugged out of her coat and hurled it at Lindsay, hitting her
squarely in the face.
Lindsay peeled it off her head, throwing Ginny an icy look of warning, which Ginny
promptly ignored.
"Wrap it around your legs, Lindsay, before you catch your death."
Lindsay's teeth were starting to chatter and she prayed for it to get darker quicker.Still
refusing to take Ginny's coat she said, "But-but what about you?"
Ginny hugged herself, already feeling the chill as snow pelted her dress and stuck to the
thin cloth."My legs aren't blue and hanging out in the wind." Then she caught a good look
at the snow-covered head and sighed, a little of her anger and hurt giving way to
worry."You're just trying to get sick, aren't you?" she whispered thickly.
"'Course not," Lindsay protested feebly, shaking her head to dislodge the snow.There had
been several times in her life when she wished the earth would open up and swallow her
whole.Those times, however, paled in comparison to the misery and embarrassment she
felt at this very moment.There was no use in praying for a tornado to come and scoop her
away.She wasn't that lucky.
"Come on," Ginny said quickly."It's dark enough so that no one will see you."I hope."
Lindsay shook her head grimly."A few more minutes yet."She peered out onto the quiet
street."I don't want to get thrown in jail."
Ginny crossed her arms and snorted.
"It's not what it looks like, Ginny."Brown eyes begged the younger woman to believe her.
Twin red eyebrows disappeared behind windblown bangs."It looks like you're standing in
an alley half naked and somehow two pretty young twits ended up with your pants and
"Oh.Okay, it's exactly what it looks like," Lindsay said glumly.
Ginny didn't bother to disguise her hurt or confusion."Why?I don't understand.I thoughtÉ."
She lifted a hand, then let it drop to her side.She closed her eyes."I don't know what I
"Damn, Ginny, it's not like it was that horrible," Lindsay protested."The girls had fun."
"Well, in that case," Ginny shouted, not caring at that very moment if the entire town
caught Lindsay in her underpants."Everything is just terrific!"
"I was shooting craps for a dress."
Ginny blinked."Wh-"
"And I lost," Lindsay added needlessly, not making eye contact.
Ginny looked at Lindsay as though the rail-rider had lost her mind. "I don't believe it," she
"I know!"Suddenly, Lindsay was inconsolable."But, Jesus Christ, Ginny, the dresses in the
store window were $3.00.THREE DOLLARS!For a dress.A pair of waist overalls only cost
$.90 and denim is stronger!"
"You were playing craps for a dress?" Ginny clarified with exaggerated slowness, still quite
sure she'd heard Lindsay wrong.
"Yes," Lindsay repeated, clearly frustrated at having to do so.It all seemed rather obvious
to her."Don't make me mention the losing part again, all right?" she pleaded.
"You talked those girls out of their clothes?"
Lindsay kicked at the snow."They were ready to turn 'em over." Shit, here I go again."Only
I'm the one who kept losing."
A tiny incredulous smile began to twitch at Ginny's lips as the weight of the world lifted
from her shoulders and her upset stomach began to ease.
Lindsay noticed the change immediately and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.
"They won your pants off you, eh?Oh, Lindsay."Ginny began to laugh."That's pitiful."
Brown eyes narrowed."If you breathe a word of this to anyoneÉI'llÉI'll," a triumphant look
finally swept across her face, "I'll tell everyone we meet that you kissed your sister."
Ginny gasped, then her mouth formed a tiny O."What crap game?"
"Smart girl."
By the time they both darted out of the shadows, Lindsay was reasonably sure that she
wasn't going to be sleeping in the local livery stable.
A small box of matches sat next to a kerosene lamp and Ginny picked it up with fingers
that were clumsy from the cold.
"I'll light the stove next-next," Lindsay chattered."Damn." She began jumping up and
down a little."This floor is like ice."She tossed Ginny's coat over a small chair in the corner
of the room before heading straight for their bag and the blankets inside.She grabbed
them both and dropped one onto the bed as she shook the other out and began to wrap it
around Ginny's shoulders.
Ginny fitted the globe over the lit wick and back into its holder, illuminating the room in a
golden glow that caused the ice crystals in her hair and eyebrows to glitter like diamonds.
Lindsay's hands froze mid-motion as she stared, utterly transfixed.
"There."Ginny flicked her gaze sideways and saw Lindsay standing with the blanket held
open for her."Oh, yesss."She would have smiled gratefully, had her cheeks not been blocks
of ice."BrrrÉ. Hold that thought, okay?" Her hands set to work on the buttons that went up
the top half of her dress."I don't want to get the blanket wet."
Lindsay nodded and remained stock-still, torn between looking away and staring at
Ginny.Her heart began to beat a little faster, sending a rush of warm blood through her.
Ginny removed her dress, shoes, and underclothes in a matter of seconds.Any
nervousness about being naked in front of Lindsay had long since faded as the trust
between them grew.When she was finished, she kicked away the wet clothes and steadily
met Lindsay's penetrating gaze. "Lindsay?"She began to rub her arms. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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