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her rethinking escape. She stopped, one foot
poised behind her.
There it was again, a very human moan of pain.
Lillian rushed forward without thinking of the
risk if she were wrong. She hurried around the
foot of the bed. Henry was lying on the floor.
Having split from his wolf, he was completely
nude and Lillian couldn t stop her gaze from
traveling around the massive form. He was much
larger than he had been before this long merge. He
must now be twice the size of the kid he had been
last she saw him unmerged. He had the body of a
full-grown male and her body reacted
accordingly. A flush of heat spread over her and
reminded her she was a very female creature who
had not been intimate with a male in a very long
Another pained moan from his lips brought her
back to reality and she chastised herself for taking
Mating Call
advantage of his obvious ill health. She knelt
beside him and grabbed the blanket off her bed to
offer him modesty, and focus her mind better. His
wolf was lying close to his head, face pressed
against Henry s face and whining slightly, licking
his cheek every now and again. He looked at her
with what she could only describe as pleading and
she felt sick, knowing she had nothing to offer.
Lillian covered his distracting nakedness with the
blanket and kneeled beside him.
 If it were you I would have somewhat of a
chance, but he is all man now. I can t heal men,
only animals, she explained.
The wolf continued to look at her as if he
expected her to fix it.
 Okay, I will give it a shot. She reached out
her hands and felt for his energy, but got nothing.
Humans were too complicated. It was the only
reason she could think of as to why she was
unable to sense or heal them. An animal was
simple and so her powers were capable of
discerning and manipulating.
Lillian pushed his shoulder length locks off his
broad shoulder, her fingertips grazing his thick
neck. He was a beautiful full-grown werewolf
keeper. She ran her finger down his neck to his
peck and pressed her hand over his heart. She
may not be able to sense his energy, but she could
tell his heart was beating strong. Her hand slipped
Courtney Breazile
slightly lower, under the cover she had laid over
him.  I am searching for injuries, she explained
to the wolf who, she swore, rolled its eyes at her as
if to say, yeah, right whatever you have to tell yourself.
Her fingers dipped down to the beginning of
the rippled stomach she had clearly seen earlier.
He moaned and she pulled her hand away
guiltily.  Can you hear me, Henry?
He groaned again in response.
She was encouraged.  Henry, are you hurt
His eyes opened this time and his tongue wet
his lips. He looked from her to his wolf, then tried
to sit up. He fell back down and grabbed his head.
 Fuck, that hurts.
Lillian gasped and jumped away.  No, she
whispered, shock rolling through her as she stared
at Henry.
 Are you alright? he asked, his concern for her
seeming to override his pain enough to allow him
to sit up fully.
 Y-you& you can t be. It s not possible you re
a  she swayed on her feet, blackness creeping
into her field of vision and a lump in her throat
that thankfully prevented the scream of denial she
wanted to let loose.
 Lillian! Lillian, what is it? You look quite pale.
Perhaps you should sit.
Tingling erupted through her body and
Mating Call
blackness overwhelmed her.
* * * *
Henry caught her body as it crumpled. Her tall
slight form folding into a small package he easily
wrapped his arms around. He didn t get off the
floor, still weak and his stomach was threatening
to expel whatever was in it. He settled back,
enjoying the feel of his mate in his arms.
He smiled, thinking the word to himself. This
was his mate, and now she knew it, too, although
the blacking out reaction was not exactly what he
had hoped for.
Henry looked down at his tanned arms against
her pale, luminescent skin. It was a delightful
contrast. He moved slightly, settling her more
comfortably in his lap. As he moved, he became
aware of his body. His arms were bulging, though
he wasn t flexing, his chest was twice as wide as it
had been. Pecs defined and stomach ripped with a
defined six-pack he had always dreamed of
having. He experimented, flexing different
muscles that were newly acquired and loving the
way they bulged. He was easily twice the size he
had been before merging werewolf puberty
worked fast and came late. He was an adult in the
human world, but had looked much younger until
now. Such a satisfying change.
Courtney Breazile
 I will have no trouble protecting you, my
mate, he whispered next to her pointed ear.
Lillian shifted in his arms, a sleepy groan
escaping her lips, her bottom shifting against his
His gaze drifted down her long slender neck to
the parted material of her draped-on gown. He
could just see the curve of one creamy breast. He
felt himself stir against her bottom and a wicked
thought had his lips lifting in a grin. He pushed
her forward a little and looked down between
their bodies. Yep, everything is bigger now.
His wolf snorted beside him, obviously
catching the drift of Henry s thoughts. Sometimes
the link between a keeper and his counterpart was
a pain. He was never alone in his own mind. Their
thoughts were not completely linked, he had to
think at his wolf for it to hear him, but sometimes
if the thought was loud enough, the wolf would [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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