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shallow water at the river s edge. I got up and reached out to him,
pulling him to his feet. The water streamed off of him, running
down over his chest, his belly, his legs, dripping off the tips of his
 Of this, maybe. I shook myself, flinging drops of water all
around.  But not of this. I reached out and touched his chest.  Not
near enough of this.
 Come on over here.
I followed him up to the clothes we d left in a heap on the
shore. He pulled me close and our lips came together in the
beginnings of yet another kiss. At that moment a tinny chime broke
the surrounding stillness. I ignored it, then it sounded again. I felt
Charlie stiffen in my arms.
 I ve got to get that, Trinity.
 Get what? I asked stupidly, my brain addled by desire for
 It s my damned cell phone. Only three people have the
number, and to call at this hour it has to be important. He grabbed
for his pants and dug into the pocket.  Charlie here, he snapped.
 What? I can t hear you. He started pacing back and forth, three
steps toward the water, then three steps back. A frown line creased
the skin between his eyebrows.  What? When? Is it bad? What
hospital did they take her to?
I stepped over to him and he gripped my shoulder hard.
 Say again? St. David s? Yeah, I know where it is. I can be
there in about twenty minutes.
He ended the call and reached for his pants.
 What s wrong? I asked as I grabbed for my pants as well.
 It s my Aunt Ida. She s my only living relative and now that
she s getting on in years I feel responsible for her. She was always
great to me when I was a kid. She pretty much raised me after my
folks died. He steadied himself with a hand on my shoulder while
he pulled on his boots.  That was a neighbor. The connection was
so bad I could barely understand him, but as near as I could make
out, Ida fell on her porch and hit her head. The neighbors saw her
and ran over to help. After they called for an ambulance, Ida gave
them my number and asked them to call me. Come on, Trinity, I ll
drop you off at your place and then hightail it over to St. David s
 I can come with you, I offered as we hurried back to the
 Thanks, but I don t know what I ll find when I get there. I
could be there all night. I ll call you when I know something. He
started the truck and gunned it, spewing gravel in a rooster-tail
behind us.  I can t imagine why Ida was up and outside of her
house at this time of night. She usually goes to bed with the
chickens. This sure isn t the way I wanted this evening to end. He
put his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on top of his and we rode
back to town in silence.
Charlie dropped me off at home, with yet another promise to
call me as soon as he knew anything. When I got up to the second
floor, all the lights in the apartment were blazing and the door was
 I m in here, Trinity. Joey s voice sounded strained. I walked
into the living room. My heart damn near stopped when I saw
Harris, his hand on Joey s neck, looking like he d just as soon snap
it as anything.
 What are you doing here? I was aiming to sound tough, but
my voice came out like a kind of squeak.
 Waiting for you, you worthless fuck. Harris pushed Joey
down onto the couch and moved quickly toward me. I saw the fist
coming for me, like in slow motion, but I couldn t move out of the
way. I saw stars, then I was on my knees.
 Why? I asked, cowering as he approached me again.
 I told you not to attempt to blackmail the senator.
 I didn t.
 I m no liar. If he was going to kill me, at least I was going to
die with the truth on my lips.  I don t know what you re talking
about. I haven t done anything.
 Like hell you didn t. He looked at me like I was the most
disgusting piece of shit on the planet.  If it was up to me, I d kill
you. You re lucky I don t make the calls here. He pulled a thick
envelope out of his pocket.  Take this and get out of town. If I hear
you ve come back, you re a dead man. I promise you that.
 What is that? I gestured to the envelope in his hand.
 Don t play stupid with me. Take it. His other hand balled
into a fist.
I took the envelope. It was stuffed with hundred dollar bills.
 This isn t mine, I protested, holding it back out to him.
 Take it, whore. Take it and go. Harris s eyes were wild, like
he was on the edge of losing control.
 You better get out of here, Trinity. Do what the man says.
You can take my car.
I heard Joey s car keys jangling in his hand. It was shaking like
a leaf. I reached out and took them from him.
 You can go to El Paso and stay with my sister until this is
over. I ll call her.
 Stay away from that telephone. Harris raised his fist to Joey.
 You leave him alone, I yelled, hauling myself to my feet.
Harris started and looked at me.
BETWEEN HELL AND EL PASO [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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