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heard his voice deep inside her.  You re incredible. So good, baby.
It felt deeper than his usual mental communication with her, intrinsic
to her, in a place where it was impossible to lie. She didn t know what
to say, so she said nothing, but opened to him and let him feel her
He showed his sharp, white teeth in a snarl and erupted into her
mouth. She should be afraid at this level of ferocity, but she d never
felt so secure in her life before. They were letting her fly.
Behind her, Dion held her ass steady while he fucked her, his
strokes deep, working her G-spot every time he moved. He was deep,
so deep.
She swallowed everything Jag gave her. He tasted wild, of spice
and man and savage need. After she was sure he hadn t any more to
give her, she licked him clean, not releasing him until she d claimed
every bit of him.
And Dion was still fucking her. His steady strokes had built her
arousal up almost without her being aware of it, but she was close
126 Em Ashcroft
now. Her body fused in one huge peak, blossoming in an orgasm so
fierce that it took her out of herself and her existence. Time stopped
while her pussy throbbed and clenched Dion s cock.
Slowly, Jag pulled out of her mouth, his face so blissful she
wouldn t have recognized her fierce, taciturn Jag. No, not hers. This
couldn t be anything but temporary. Not after so little time.
He lay down next to her and growled low in his throat, almost like
a purr.  My tiger wants to touch you, he said.
 Yes! she gasped but Dion claimed her attention.
Dion yelled her name and came, surging into her cunt and holding
her close while his cock pulsed inside her. Her thighs grew slippery
with their juices, and his breathing grew heavier. He leaned over her,
and sucked in air.  Fuck, that was amazing.
Fur grazed her waist where his arms rested. He d shape-shifted, at
least partially. He straightened, moved away from her. When she
looked around, she saw Jag. He d gone full tiger.
Then she watched as Dion shape-shifted. He flowed from his
gorgeous human form into his equally beautiful tiger, no effort, no
muscle popping or pained screams like she d seen in movies.
Dear God, she was in a room with two full-grown male tigers.
Slowly, ignoring the wetness on her legs and the slight stiffness in her
back, she got to her feet. The tigers were huge. She had never seen
live tigers before, and their sheer size amazed her. Their shoulders
came up to her head, and they had to be twelve feet long, nose to tail.
Terrifying. Or at least they should be, but she wasn t afraid.  Should I
be scared?
 Never. Dion s voice sounded strangely normal in her mind.
 You must never be afraid of us. We will protect you and the cubs
with our lives. Believe that. He was a white tiger, his fur creamy
white, shading into a soft sandy color, the stripes stark against it.
 Touch me.
On the Prowl 127
Her hand shook, but she laid it on his back. His fur was wiry, but
underneath, when she dared to stroke him and riffle her fingers
through it, it was soft as a kitten s.
Jag made a sound. If it wasn t so loud, she d have called it a purr.
She turned her head to see him coming up on her other side and
nestling close. She stroked him, too. Jag was a golden-amber tiger, the
kind she d seen in books.  Look, Jag said, his voice softer in her
head than when he spoke out loud.
Mia lifted her head and saw her reflection in the full-length mirror
on the back of the closet door. They hadn t closed the drapes, so light
streamed in, illuminating the astonishing sight of a naked Mia with a
tiger on either side of her. Their fur contrasted with her naked skin,
stroked her with a thousand tiny hairs, sending shivers through her,
but of sensual enjoyment. Her hands dug into their fur, and they
stood, surrounding her with their powerful bodies while she explored
them.  This is I don t know.
 It s right, Dion said firmly.  This is how it should be. Us,
That sounded too permanent for her liking.  How can it be? We
haven t known each other long enough. It can t 
Next to her, Jag rippled and shape-shifted back to human. It
wasn t grotesque, as she d always imagined a shape-shift would be,
but as if a powerful wave poured over him, distorting his form so that
it settled into a different shape his human form. He stood, grim-
faced, and lifted her into his arms.  Maybe some rest.
 The babies 
 They re fine. We need to talk. He shot a glance at Dion, who
shifted in the same way.
Mia watched, transfixed.  That s so beautiful. You re so
Lifting his chin, he glared at Jag.  I meant it.
 So did I. Come and talk. You seem to have forgotten something.
 I ve forgotten nothing.
128 Em Ashcroft
The talk passed her by. She snuggled into Jag s chest, the soft
hairs grazing her cheek, reminding her of his other form. Jag crossed
the space to the bed and laid her down.  Now I know why the rooms
here are so big, she said.  I never realized tigers were so large.
Dion raised a brow.  In what way, darling? Languidly, he
stretched out beside her. Jag took the other side, surrounding her
protectively as they had when they were tigers.  We re bigger than
lions. We think we re descended from Bengals, or an extinct form of
tiger. Some are bigger than us. He glanced down at his cock, which
was already stirring. How could it, after what they d just done?
 Your babies are going to grow into tigers our size, Jag said.
 It s good that you get used to having them around you. In time,
you ll have to control them, but they won t grow at the rate tigers in
the wild do. They ll grow according to their human age, so you ll
have time.
Dion stroked her shoulder.  But it s best if you stay in a
community like ours. He paused.  Would you like to settle here?
 In Goldclaw? Jag put in.  You re an accountant. With all the
new residents, people will need services like that.
She nodded. Jag smiled.  Yes, I could do that. They were talking
about new schools at the spa. She wouldn t allow herself to get her
hopes up.
 I d like her to stay here, Dion said, but he sounded wistful.  It
puzzled me today, how I felt why I couldn t stop thinking about
you, and how different this is to any other experience I ve ever had.
He couldn t be going where she thought he was. It couldn t happen.
 I m falling in love with you.
It just did. It went to a forbidden place. She couldn t do this. They
didn t deserve this. They deserved a woman without history, a woman
who hadn t been repeatedly violated. Even if it was without her
permission, they had used her, made her bear children to someone she
didn t know.
 She s mated, Jag said sharply.  You know she is.
On the Prowl 129
Shock ricocheted through her, lancing her so sharply she couldn t
breathe.  What do you mean? But she knew. She just needed time to
assimilate the knowledge. Before her capture, she d only had a
rudimentary knowledge of shape-shifters and how their world
functioned. Some of her classmates at school were obsessed with [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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