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Catherine's gaze. She felt a wash of confusion and heat coursing through her
body as she quickly retreated back towards her own bedroom.
"What are you doing out of your room!" Horatio demanded as he blocked her
bedroom door. She trembled as he glared down at her. "Well?" He fumed.
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"I was just checking on Sister." She quickly explained as her eyes darted down
to the floor.
"Leave her be." He scoffed. "I wish to be rid of her as soon as possible." He
grabbed Anna roughly by her arm. "I have need of you tonight." He coldly
explained as he closed the bedroom door behind them.
Anna felt sick as she nodded in understanding before removing her nightgown
and climbing onto her bed. She reclined and waited for him with her eyes
closed as she waited to hear the bed creak as he joined her. She said a silent
prayer that he would be quick about his duties and leave. She never understood
why he still demanded her services, since he seemed extremely displeased with
Catherine seemed distant in the morning as they prepared the morning meal.
"The servants leave every day at dusk and do not return until after the
morning meal?" Catherine finally inquired as Anna went about preparing her
husband's breakfast.
"Yes." Anna answered with a smile happy to finally hear her sister in-law's
"Always?" Catherine asked still avoiding looking at Anna. "Even when he is
"Yes." Anna answered sadly not understanding why Catherine refused to look at
her. All Anna could think about last night was the chaste kiss the blonde had
placed on her cheek. There had been something in Catherine's touch that held
her captive even as the Captain was making his feeble attempt in her bed.
Silence once again loomed around them as they continued preparing the meal.
"Have I done something to offend you Sister?" Anna finally inquired; weary of
the silence that was strangling her.
"No." Catherine flatly responded her gaze meeting Anna's for a brief moment.
Anna cringed as she caught the accusing look in the blonde's eyes before
Catherine looked away. "He is my husband." Anna asserted feeling suddenly
"I understand." Catherine muttered in a weak voice.
"Do you?" Anna harshly asked.
"Yes." Catherine sighed as she looked at Anna her eyes filled with sadness and
"Don't pity me." Anna coldly responded before she turned away her arms filled
with plates of food.
"I don't." She heard Catherine's weak sob from behind her.
Later that day Anna still felt the anger lingering as she tried to distract
herself by working in her garden. She felt her skin prickle as a shadow was
cast over her. She didn't need to turn or look up to know that Catherine was
standing above her. "I'm sorry Sister." Catherine offered as Anna ignored her
and focused on her precious flowers. "I forget my place. It was wrong of me to
say or imply anything." Anna could feel the anger and tension slipping away as
she was lulled in by the soothing sound of Catherine's voice. "I just cannot
abide the way he treats you." The blonde finally blurted out.
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"Nor can I, but I have no choice." Anna explained weakly as she finally lifted
her gaze to look up at the taller woman who looked nervously down at her. She
shielded her eyes so she could see Catherine more clearly. "I can't even
"There are places where you could." Catherine offered in a conspiratorial
whisper as she knelt down beside Anna. The smaller woman smiled at Catherine's
sudden playful attitude.
"So you wish to whisk me away to California?" Anna played along.
"If I could." Catherine responded in a suddenly serious tone.
Anna was taken aback by the strange sense of warmth that spread through her
body from Catherine's simple jest. Catherine looked around nervously as Anna
wondered if the woman was teasing her. "You could divorce?" Catherine
suggested in a hushed tone.
Anna clutched her bosom as she felt a wave of panic rush through her. "And
then what?" Anna responded with fear as she looked around to ensure that no
one was nearby who would hear their conversation and go running to her
husband. "Lose my son? My home? Without an education or a penny to my name. My
family won't take me in since it was my father who sold me to your brother."
"But you've thought about it?" Catherine encouraged her.
"Yes, I've considered fleeing with my child." Anna confessed. "Taking Richard
and running off one night while the Captain is away at sea, never to look
back, and to be truly free for the first time in my life. Yes, dear Sister, I
have thought about it every day since the moment the Captain placed this
cursed band on my finger." Anna was almost shouting as she held up her hand
and showed Catherine the simple gold wedding band that to her signified her
enslavement. She calmed herself before she continued. "As I've said, I have [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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