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needed to talk about the possibility of me claiming him. For that
reason, I shifted into my panther form. My human lust was easier to
handle this way.
Whether Red guessed my ploy or not, he decided it was his turn to
tease me.  You know, he said almost idly,  when we slept together
in my bed last night, you were just like a kitten. You were even
If I d been in my human form, I would have arched a brow.
 Panthers don t purr, not really, I pointed out.
 Uh-huh. Red grinned and inched closer to the water. He trailed
his finger through the stream, and the next thing I knew, a jet of liquid
was flying my way and hitting me straight in my feline face. Suffice
to say, I was not a pleased panther, but I took in stride. Growling
playfully, I dodged the next watery projectile and leapt at my mate.
Red managed to hit me one more time largely because I was
careful not to draw too much momentum and accidentally hurt him.
Finally, I sent him falling to the grass and climbed on top of him. Red
was snickering under his breath, his soft hands caressing my sides.
My fur was soaking wet, but I didn t mind. I was happy.
And then, I felt it. Someone was nearby. Someone was
encroaching on my territory, trying to disturb our privacy, perhaps
meaning to attack my mate.
I looked up with a growl, ready to identify and eliminate the
threat. For that reason, I saw the arrow come my way. I could have
Little Red and the Big Black Panther 63
dodged it, but because of the angle, there was a slight risk that it
might hit Red.
Without a single second of hesitation, I threw myself over him,
shielding him with my body. When the arrow struck me, I found
myself propelled back with shocking force. I flew off Red, a good few
feet away. Just like that, I knew I d made a serious miscalculation.
Whoever had attacked had used magic. By allowing him to hit me, I d
left my mate vulnerable. Fuck.
* * * *
It is a funny thing how complete and utter happiness can melt into
disaster in mere instants. Well, no funny wouldn t be the best word
to describe it. Shocking, perhaps. Unfair, definitely.
Minutes ago, we d been making love, united in the most intimate
way two men could possibly be. I d been a little afraid that
awkwardness would ensue, especially since I d been so
inexperienced, but instead, it had brought us so much closer. For the
first time in years, I d allowed myself to be playful.
Had I been punished for it? It certainly seemed so, because now,
Philippe lay fallen on the ground, an arrow embedded in his shoulder,
red blood staining his dark fur. He was trying to get up, but failing,
and I instantly knew the projectile must have been enchanted.
A mix of anger and fear coursed through me. I wanted to hunt
down whoever had hurt my lover, but taking care of his wound was
more important. Decision made, I rushed to his side and knelt next to
 Red, be careful, Philippe whispered.  Whoever attacked us is
still out there.
 I know, I replied.  Stay down and let me look at this.
I gripped the arrow and took a deep breath. My healer training and
my magic told me I had to pull it out, but the part of me that cared for
Philippe was horrified at how much it would hurt him. Damn it. I
64 Scarlet Hyacinth
couldn t allow my emotions to get in the way of what needed to be
done. Philippe was relying on me.
Steeling myself, I removed the arrow from Philippe s body, with
as much gentleness as I could muster. Philippe barely twitched, which
really wasn t encouraging. He was still conscious, but he was
bleeding badly, and I feared that the arrow might have pierced a vital
I d just dropped the projectile on the grass when I heard motion
behind us. A hooded figure emerged from the greenery, carrying a
bow that was undoubtedly the source of the projectile that had struck
 Move aside, Red, the man said.  I know you ve always wanted
to protect nature, but this is one beast that s dangerous.
As he spoke, the hunter dropped his hood. I gaped when I
recognized him as Will Scarlet, one of my brother s  merry men and
the one guy I d ever had a crush on.  Will? What in the world are you
doing here?
 Saving you, he replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the
world.  Now, move aside and let me finish the job.
I shook my head adamantly.  You don t understand. The panther
is not 
Before I could even finish the phrase, Will reached me and
forcibly pushed me away from Philippe. He retrieved a knife from his
boot, and my mind practically shut down.
Fury exploded through me, hot and bright. The fire magic that had
been trapped within me for so long lashed out at Will. Before he
could try to  finish the job  as he so eloquently put it a fire bolt
struck him, sending him flying away from my mate. I wasn t even
very aware of whatever spell I d chanted, just that I had to stop him [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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