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I didn t think you would actually show. He took a swallow from his
bottle as he watched the crowd of women.
Sarah continued to stare, unable to tear her eyes away. She had
been trying her damndest to get Chandler Brogan out of her head, but
now that she was in front of her, nothing else mattered. She wanted
her. Wanted her just like she d had her before. Writhing with pleasure,
completely submissive, taking, willing, trembling. But Chandler knew.
She could see right through Sarah s façade now. She knew the confidence
and control were not real. It was just the way she hid. The realization
broke Chandler s spell at once and Sarah glanced down, noticing for
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the first time the ice-cold beer in her hand. Then Chandler spoke again
and her body reacted at once, perking up fevering, needing to see her,
to touch her, to taste her.
 Christ, Sarah. Dave frowned.  You look like shit.
Sarah felt herself heat, not from his words but from the ones
pouring out of Chandler.
 I know. She took a nervous swig of beer. She knew she must
look pale and drawn. Which was funny considering how dark and full
she felt on the inside. Full of the confusion, anger, resentment, and
loneliness that had consumed her until she saw Chandler. Now she felt
a yearning and raw attraction so strong, it nearly left her breathless.
 Come on, let s go back to my office.
Sarah hesitated, not wanting to leave the wall. She wanted to hide
behind it, to be protected by it as she listened and watched. From the
safety of the barrier she could have Chandler, imagine being with her
all over again without risk of exposing herself.
 You don t actually want to stay and listen, do you? Dave raised
his small, curious hazel eyes to her.
Sarah stood taller, shaking the overwhelming feelings from her
head.  No, don t be ridiculous.
Her ears straining to hear every word Chandler spoke, she followed
Dave down the hallway to his office, a small room that contained a desk,
a bookshelf, and two easy chairs facing a television. The station was
tuned to ESPN, where Dave had apparently been watching professional
He plopped down in a recliner and swallowed more beer, then
said,  Make yourself comfortable.
Sarah sat but couldn t relax. Her mind and body screamed to be
back with Chandler. But Dave didn t seem to notice as he reclined his
chair, his athletic-socked feet pointing to the ceiling.
 Killer, no! he commanded the pelvic-thrusting dog and made
sure he went to the corner to lie down. Then, satisfied, he burped softly,
excused himself, and asked,  So how you been?
Sarah sat poised in her chair, her black cowboy boots aimed toward
the door.  Fine. Her voice was flat and uninterested and she wished he
would stop talking so she could hear Chandler better.
 Yeah? I was a little worried after our last conversation. He
fidgeted with the remote, upping the volume a little so he could hear
the commentary.
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Sarah glanced around the room and took in the pile of neatly
stacked bills that sat on the desk, the framed, signed basketball jersey
on the wall. Books ranging from Tom Clancy to John Grisham to the
biography of Chuck Yeager filled the shelves. A military photo depicted
a young, fresh Dave, right out of high school, ready to serve his country
in the Marine Corps. She herself hadn t gone that route, choosing instead
to go to Arizona State to get her bachelor s in administration of justice.
Then she had gone on to apply to the Department of Public Safety. Law
enforcement was all she had ever wanted to do. It was her life.
 So you doing okay, then? He sipped his beer.
 Can t complain. She gave him a half smile as she lied.
 Can t or won t? He knew her well.
She smiled again and studied her beer bottle.  Won t.
 How are you feeling? Any better since we spoke?
Sarah shrugged and straightened her white long-sleeved blouse.
The silver snaps were undone to her chest and the sleeves were loosely
rolled, showing off a couple of leather bracelets adorned with white
shells.  Yeah, I m good.
Dave scratched his head and eyed her outfit.  You didn t have to
get all dressed up on my account. He cracked a smile.
 I didn t. She pulled a sip from her beer and raised an eyebrow
his way.  I did it for Nicky.
Both laughed for a moment before a serious look washed over
Dave and he turned down the television. He stared at his hands for a
moment, obviously in thought. Even Killer perked up to watch him,
seeming to sense something.
 Listen, Sarah, he said, still not looking up.  I meant what I said
the other day, about you telling me anything. He glanced her way
quickly before focusing back on the beer bottle resting in his lap.
Sarah rubbed her palms on her fitted, faded jeans, unsure what he
was getting at. Laughter filtered in from the other room, and once again
she wished she were privy to it.
 I know you said you re not dating&  His hazel eyes held
hers.  But if you were&  He searched her face and she could tell he
was nervous by the way his voice trembled a little.  Would it be a
Sarah held his eyes. He was finally asking. After years of easing
around it, or hinting his suspicions. She thought calmly before she
answered and realized that had her heart not been raging for Chandler,
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she might have put him off once again. But with her desire flaming hot,
she knew it would be difficult not to speak the truth. Even if she was
intensely private, a part of her told her it was time to trust Dave and let
him be what he was a friend.
 Yes, she said simply and softly.
Dave studied her face for a moment, obviously a little shocked
at her blunt answer. He no doubt expected her to dance around the
question, like she did most times he asked her something personal.
 Okay, he finally breathed and then relaxed back against his chair.
 Thanks for telling me. He reached over to pat her leg affectionately.
Laughing, he joked,  Just stay the hell away from my wife. You re a
hell of a lot better looking and probably way better in bed than me.
Sarah laughed with him and allowed herself to breathe deep and
relax. She had never experienced that kind of love before, and she felt
it radiating pleasantly through her. She had no idea it would feel so
good to reveal her sexuality. Her parents had always been too focused
on themselves to pay her much attention. From as early as she could
remember, she had been on her own and alone in the world. Even worse,
when she d really needed their protection, they had failed her.
Dave s acceptance reached her heart as she realized that he really
did care. He cared for her just as she was, and that was all that mattered.
She studied him and cleared her throat, knowing what she had to do. It
was time to tell him about her intentions. With all that had transpired
over the past few days, she was surprised to find that the FBI had
somehow taken a back corner in her mind. As she readied herself to
speak she yanked it to the fore. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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