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the natural child of the second chakra.
Once the connection between the second and third chakra is opened, energy
rises; knowledge about a truer, kinder, gentler self can filter up.
Western culture has glorified the ego, the third chakra, and people have lost
access to recourses the other chakras provide - our flow with nature, with our primal
instincts, our appreciation of our creative innocence, our love connection with nature
and with others, the expression of this love, our ability to journey into expanded states
of awareness, and our knowledge of our unity with the cosmos. By balancing the
energies between the chakras, you have the capacity to establish a more fulfilling
The color of the third chakra is yellow. It may be a mellow wheat like yellow,
indicating that a person is balanced in the third chakra. When this is a bright yellow,
your third chakra has a lot of energy, and when it is a bright golden color, you feel a
deep connection to a person.
The forth chakra is the HEART CHAKRA. This chakra governs your ability to
give and receive unconditional love and affection.
We perceive other people through the filter of the heart chakra, making
judgments according to its loving nature. Their energies move out towards others and
seek a heart connection.
One of the problems in modern culture is that the heart chakra is
underdeveloped in too many individuals and its principles are under respected in too
many of our institutions.
But a heart chakra that is overdeveloped compared to the other chakras is also
detrimental. Many people love too much. They may over identify with other people's
needs that they become codependent, and ultimately no more capable of a successful
relationship than a person who has a heart chakra that is shriveled.
Proper growth lies not with silencing the heart chakra, but in cultivating greater
balance with the other chakras, allowing each to have its power and its vote.
Likewise, when people put up walls to protect their feelings, they close down
their heart chakra. But if you allow yourself to feel all emotions, your heart chakra
remains open, and capable of experiencing wonderful feelings.
The heart chakra is the middle chakra, and green is its color, the middle color of
the color spectrum. Sometimes it is pink. Green depicts a lush and balanced energy.
Emerald green in the heart chakra shows that the heart's loving energy goes out not
only to others, it is also able to nurture the self. Sometimes it is a deep maroon, with a
velvet like texture, in a person who has developed the ability for both universal love
and intimate love.
The fifth chakra is the THROAT CHAKRA. This is your center of
communication, and opening to spirituality. Speech and singing originate from here.
Also, writing and teaching are associated with this chakra. Expression is the product of
the fifth chakra.
Energies from all the chakras move through the throat chakra, like many tall
chambers carrying information. All this energy and information becomes your unique
expression in the world.
If a person has unbalanced energies in the fifth chakra, they either cannot speak
up or they talk too much.
The colors of the throat chakra are aqua, or turquoise, or blue.
The sixth chakra is called the THIRD EYE CHAKRA. This is about openness
to metaphysical knowledge. It relates to your higher intuition, from which all things
are known.
It is a place where the sense of a separate self and identity are transcended.
Here, you can travel into the past, the future, the imagined, the possible, and a world of
symbols, theories, and meaning.
Via the sixth chakra, we can transcend our usual identity by gaining access to a
psychic plane that crosses the dimensions of space and time. It tunes our radar to
energies more subtle than our ordinary senses can perceive.
But in our Western culture, the busy conscious mind crowds out the more
refined processes, such as seeing the color of energy, hearing guidance from another
place, and being in telepathic rapport with others.
In Western cultures, the energy of the sixth chakra is often crowded and dense
with thought. Many people have a strong third eye that is lying dormant. It is as if the
eye is there, but the eyelid is closed.
The color of the sixth chakra is indigo - a combination of blue and red - a way
of calming without cooling.
The seventh chakra is the CROWN CHAKRA. From here you feel your
openness to spirit. When it is open, you will experience a fullness in your meditations.
It is through the crown chakra that a person feels their oneness with the cosmos, their
connection with the realm of the spirit.
People with a strong seventh chakra may have fascinating encounters with
other realms, but it is important to balance this energy with the grounding that comes
from the first three chakras.
Seventh chakra opening can totally engulf you. Crown chakra experiences can
pull you right out the top of your head. But when you do, you feel a mystical oneness
with everyone and everything in nature. You don't get intellectual answers, but you get
an absolute peace and joy about life, and you know there is reason and rhyme in all
things under heaven.
The color of the crown chakra is violet.
(For a diagram showing the seven chakras, see www.davidshade.com/support/
After I read the description of the seven chakras to my girlfriend, she was
The following weekend I used hypnosis while I massaged her chakras. This is
the first time I was able to get her orgasm to go up farther than her fourth chakra. Over
a period of about an hour, it did go all the way up...
I had her lay on the bed, and I put her under. I placed my hand on her pelvic
bone and I said "Feel the tingling of sexual energy begin in your toes. Feel the tingling
move into your feet. Feel the tingling move up your legs. When the tingling converges
in your first chakra, you will continue to breathe normally, and you will continue to
remain completely relaxed, and you will experience a very powerful orgasm in your
first chakra."
I slowly guided her orgasm into each higher chakra. At each chakra I asked her
to tell me what she was experiencing. However, she was not very conversational, so I
reverted to just checking in to see how she was doing with questions that could be
answered with a simple yes or no.
I brought her orgasm all the way into her seventh chakra and had her enjoy that
for a time. Then I took the orgasm back down through all the chakras to ground her
again, and then I told her to stop. Then I took her all the way out of hypnosis.
Later I asked her for a detailed account of what she experienced, and she said...
"At the first chakra, it was a purely sexual orgasm. Whenever you said to feel it,
it became more intense and spread out more.
"When you moved your hand to my second chakra, the orgasmic pleasure [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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