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American relations, our embassy in the USA will doubts about these proposals? shown that the USA administration bears full
be able to handle its assignments. MEMBERS OF THE POLITBURO: No. responsibility for the failure of the agreement at
It is essential to come up with serious pro- DOBRYNIN: It would be advisable to Reykjavik and engages in underhanded activity
posals. What specifically should we do? We apply these measures to the consulates in Kiev in order to misrepresent facts and mislead soci-
should remove our people who work as service and New York. ety. It could be said that the development of
personnel in the American Embassy. Further- GROMYKO: Perhaps their opening should events after Reykjavik shows the inability of
more, the number of American representatives not be rushed in this situation. There is no reason Reagan to handle his gang.
visiting the USA Embassy Moscow on business to do it now. GROMYKO: This could be said, but in a
should be limited. Annually about 500 American GORBACHEV: This question should be form which does not fence off Reagan himself.
citizens come here via this channel. Finally, the definitively decided. In terms of our overall GORBACHEV: Yes. Reagan appears as a
number of guests visiting the American ambassa- stance, we have to act calmly but decisively. This liar. The appropriate formulation should be found.
dor in Moscow, which reaches up to 200 persons is important not only from the point of view of Do you comrades have any other sugges-
annually, should be determined on the basis of Soviet-American Relations, but international re- tions?
equality. Our people rarely take business trips or lations as well. If they are talking with the Soviet MEMBERS OF THE POLITBURO: No.
visit our ambassador. It is essential that such trips Union in such a manner, one can imagine how The resolution is accepted.
take place on an equal basis in the future. they will act with other countries.
In general, this confirmed what I said to the I had a conversation with Nikolai Ivanovich 2. Concerning activities in connection with the
President of the United States in Reykjavik, that [Ryzhkov]. We should refrain from purchasing death of S[amora]. Machel, President of the
the normalization of Soviet-American relations corn from the Americans for now. People s Republic of Mozambique.
is the business of future generations. GROMYKO: Perhaps we shouldn t an- GORBACHEV: We need to make a deci-
SHEVARDNADZE: Our personnel in the nounce this outright, but realize it de facto. sion about measures in connection with the death
embassy in the United States numbers 43, while SOLOMENTSEV: The statistics Comrade of Machel. Comrade Aliev will fly to Mozambique
the consulate in San Francisco has 25 workers. Shevardnadze was talking about should be in- tomorrow. The last report of our pilot was: We
There are 229 people in the USA Embassy in cluded in our document. have been shot down.
Moscow and 25 in the Leningrad Consulate. DOBRYNIN: The American actions to- ALIEV: He [the pilot] is now in the South
Besides that, the Americans have over 250 of our ward our military attache are unprecedented. African Republic.
citizens working in service positions. We can GORBACHEV: We should deport all GROMYKO: All measures should be taken
have them removed. This will surely hinder the American military personnel. to visit him and set him free through the Red
activity of the American representatives. In terms CHEBRIKOV: We have another possible Cross.
of business travel, about 500 people make busi- course of action which can be employed if neces-
continued from page 49
ness trips to the American Embassy annually. sary. As I already reported to the Politburo, we
Comrades! : Letters from East German Old Com-
We, in contrast, hardly ever make use of these discovered many eavesdropping devices in our
munists on the Field Case ; Arnd Bauerkamper
types of trips to the USA. Therefore, a principle offices in the USA. This fact should be made
(FSP), Pressure from Above Mobilization from
of reciprocity should be imposed. The Ameri- public in order to expose American espionage,
Below. Land Reform in the Soviet Occupation
cans will lose more than we will. We also do not and a press conference should be called with a
Zone ; Patrick Major (Univ. of Warwick), Com-
make use of private invitations from the Ambas- demonstration of American espionage s eaves-
munism on the Rhine ?: the Expansion and Con-
sador. Up to 180 people visit the American dropping devices.
tainment of German Communism beyond the
Ambassador every year. GROMYKO: How many eavesdropping
SBZ/DDR, 1945-1956"
DOBRYNIN: And the Ambassador doesn t devices were found in their offices?
Reports on the conference in German
even know many of these guests personally. CHEBRIKOV: One. The numbers are in
publications include:Neue Ruhr Zeitung, 29
SHEVARDNADZE: There are 14 people our favor 1 to 150.
June 1994; Die Welt, 2 July 1994; Wolfram
from Finland working in the American Embassy GORBACHEV: This should be empha-
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