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access to her neck.
“About?” He kissed his way down her creamy column intent on final y seeing her breasts. Actual y,
he intended to do more than look at them.
He’d thought often about sucking on her nipples.
“What you intend to do with me.” A gasp escaped her as he found the hard pebble and licked it.
He lifted his head for only a moment to reply. “Other than play with your breasts?”
“Yes, other than that.” She giggled. “I mean, what about the future? What are your plans for me?”
“I intend to take you to my homeworld and keep you as a receptacle for my sexual needs.” Question
answered, he took her nipple into his mouth, a pleasure short lived as she yanked on his hair, pul ing
him away.
He propped himself up and frowned at her. “Am I doing something wrong?” Surely not. He’d
absorbed the knowledge of how to titil ate a woman’s areola, and a quick analysis of his actions
showed him performing at his best.
Shoving at his chest, she shrieked. “Wrong? You just told me you intend to make me into a whore.”
“No. A whore is someone who has sexual relations with many males. I do not intend to share you so
that term does not apply.”
“But you intend to have sex with me? Whenever you want?”
“Yes. I find you pleasing to the eye and touch. Do not fear. I intend to give you great pleasure.”
“So that’s al I am to you? A pussy to fuck?”
The sadness in her eyes and tone tore at him. Worse, he didn’t know the right answer to repair the
damage he’d inadvertently done.
“You are mine, little one. I’m not sure I understand your distress. If you are concerned about my
abilities then rest assured. I wil take good care of you. I wil provide you with a home and supplies.
Protect you should the need arise. And in turn, you wil —”
“I get it; let you fuck me whenever you get the urge.” A heavy sigh left her. “I should have known
better. I mean, you’d think by now I’d be used to men treating me like shit. Funny though, I thought you
were different.”
“I am different.” The vehemence in his words surprised him, but it just made her expression even
more morose.
“Man or machine, when it comes to pussy, you’re al the same.”
“Would a human male worry about your pleasure?” he growled, thrusting a hand between her legs,
cupping her sex.
“So you like to make it fun for both of us. It doesn’t change what you real y think of me.” Again she
sighed. But then, she draped her arms around his neck and pul ed him down for a kiss. Unlike the ones
of earlier, this one proved a slow embrace. The gentleness of it made his heart tighten. He’d real y
have to get it checked out. Perhaps have a mechanical one instal ed that didn’t constantly stutter when
Chloe spent time with him. But he’d look into that later.
Rol ing their bodies, he returned to his back with Chloe atop him. She didn’t stop kissing him, and Joe
decided to forget her irrational outburst. According to his brethren who cohabited with females, it
happened oftentimes without cause or provocation.
He’d al ow her tantrum this time. But, in the future, he’d have to explain to her she wasn’t to look sad
because he didn’t like it. It made him uncomfortable, which he found completely unacceptable. Of
course, he wasn’t quite sure how he’d stop her from acting in that manner, but surely he’d find a way.
He set his neural net to looking for an answer as he continued to kiss her.
Chloe kissed Joe as a way of ignoring the hurt he’d inadvertently inflicted when he informed her she
was just a living, breathing sexbot to him. She’d suspected he wanted her for sex, but somehow she’d
also expected he’d at least couch it in some terms of affection like most men did.
She’d forgotten though. As part machine, Joe didn’t think like a regular human male. Nor did he make
love like one. So perhaps, she could forgive him his less-than-tender declaration a teensy, tiny bit, so
long as he kept making her see stars.
His touch electrified every one of her senses while his kiss left her desperate for more. So despite the
fact he blatantly declared her nothing more than a receptacle for his cock, she took what he offered.
Why not? It was stil better than anything she ever had back home.
Pushing herself up to a sitting position, she glanced down at him, staring at his face, so handsome with
its chiseled planes and sensual lips.
His eyes almost glowed, their intense blueness so bright in his tanned face. She let her gaze trail
down to his wide shoulders then his chest. His poor abused chest. She slid back on his stomach until
the jutting length of his cock halted her. At least five holes, already knitting shut, adorned his torso,
and while they didn’t bleed, their very presence made tears pool.
Despite his claim that his programming didn’t let him feel, she knew it had to hurt. He was perhaps
not conscious of it, but at some level, his psyche surely screamed. She leaned forward and kissed the
skin below a wound.
“What are you doing?” he asked.
“It is human custom to kiss injuries better.”
“But your lips do not possess healing nanos.”
“It is meant to heal the emotions of the inured party,” she replied, kissing the area just above another
injury. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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