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but the glorious body he was revealing went far to make up for the amateur dancing. A
little more practice, Damien decided, and he d be able to pull it off.
Of course, Damien planned to be there for every step, including on the stage at the
Moritz. Kaz would find that out in the morning.
In rhythmic tugs, Kaz worked the t-shirt higher. Inch by inch he exposed his flat,
carved abs and bulging pecs. His small dark nipples were still hard and the late
afternoon sunlight peeping through the blinds made the silky hair on his chest glint. He
was nothing short of a god.
Damien cleared his throat.  Good. Keep lifting and don t stop until your head is
clear of the neckline.
Kaz lifted his arms straight up with the t-shirt bunched up across his hands. His
arms and chest flexed with the movement and Damien couldn t keep his eyes off that
torso, staring at every delicious inch, including the soft black hair in Kaz s armpits. Each
tiny chisel of muscle, every hair, beckoned to Damien and he gripped the edges of the
chair seat to keep from wrapping himself around Kaz again.
Damien suppressed a groan.  Okay, gently work the t-shirt off your hands and toss
it away, preferably into the audience. They love that shit. He d seen guys pick up his
discarded things and sniff them. Whatever. He watched Kaz s muscles flex yet more as
Kaz followed his instruction. In the next moment, the white t-shirt landed in Damien s
Sedonia Guillone
Damien chuckled. He picked it up and held the shirt to his face. Hell, it had to be
okay to sniff Kaz s things. He d been with the guy thirteen years. They weren t exactly
strangers. Damien closed his eyes and breathed in Kaz s scent that clung to the material.
Clean musk, cologne and a hint of sweat. Nothing smelled better to Damien in the
whole damned world.
When he opened his eyes again, Kaz had stopped moving and was staring at him, a
strange, tender look in his dark eyes.
Damien felt his cheeks burn. In all that time, he d never actually smelled Kaz s
things in front of him. It had always been something he did in private, just before
throwing the laundry into the machine or before hanging up something of Kaz s he d
accidentally left behind, in the closet. Damien set the shirt down in his lap, still
clutching the material.  Keep going.
Kaz stared at him a moment longer then obeyed. His hands went to the waist of his
jeans and he started dancing again, lowering the waistband down his hips in a
seductive way. The swing of the dance seemed to catch him up again and his grin
returned, dark eyes simmering as he pushed the jeans down not quite to mid-thigh.
Damien sat up.  Awesome. Now stop there and just thrust your pelvis a few
times. Kaz did so and the bulge in the front of his white briefs grabbed Damien s gaze
and held it. His heart pounded and his cock strained to the point of discomfort. Six
months had been one hell of a long time and it was going to take more than one
blowjob to drain off the excess.  Now, turn and do it again. Show the audience that
perfect ass.
Kaz danced in a small circle and flexed his butt cheeks. The perfect round muscles
tightened and relaxed, made Damien s mind melt. Damien cleared his throat again.  Let
the jeans drop now and step out of them.
Kaz let the jeans drop to his ankles but when he went to step out of them, he
stumbled. He caught himself before falling on his ass and looked at Damien, face
flushed.  I m not so sure about that move.
Barely Undercover
Damien smiled.  Don t worry. Pull them up a bit then lie down on your back and
work them off. Roll around a bit, lift your legs, pelvis, anything that keeps you in the
 Yes, boss. Kaz went down to the floor and Damien watched him experiment with
various positions. Damien especially liked the pose where Kaz had his ass up in the air
as if he were about to get fucked. Finally, Kaz found a sequence that worked. The
maneuvers required a certain amount of ass wiggling, bending over and pelvic thrusts
to get the jeans off gracefully.
Damien applauded while his raging hard-on throbbed.  You got it! He applauded
some more and wolf-whistled while Kaz danced around in his white briefs. The
material outlined his cock and balls to perfection and Damien s hand itched to palm
them.  Hey you, dance your way over here. It s time to deal with a Johnny Pocket.
Kaz grinned at him.  Anything you say. He danced his way closer, grinding his
hips in those seductive circles that made his tight abs flex with each movement. Damien
felt his mouth go dry as he pulled a dollar bill from his wallet and held it out as if he
were a spectator at the club.
Kaz got up close and tilted his pelvis out, still moving in time to the music. Damien
slipped the dollar bill into the waistband and then slid his hand out to glide down the
front of Kaz s cock. Kaz had lightning reflexes and jerked back, but not before Damien
got a quick handful of Kaz s plump juicy balls.
Damien laughed even though his body tingled wildly from the brief touch.  You
lost your rhythm, Detective. Let s try again.
They repeated the exercise until Kaz could dance easily away from the groping
hand without breaking his rhythm and Damien was practically licking his lips. Then
Damien had Kaz get dressed and do the whole routine again. And again. Until it was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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