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bent at the waist, breathing through her nose.
 Is that what you want?
She looked at him, panic and confusion in her features. Then her
gaze darted to the shark next to her.
He looked away, his jaw tight.
 What would happen to him? Her dark eyes trained on the
shark s shoulder.
 Well&  David steeled himself to take a chance.  That depends
on what he wants. We would like to continue taking blood and tissue
samples at his convenience, if he is willing.
The shark s mismatched eyes flew up to meet David s.  I m a
prisoner here!
The aggression hit David in the chest like a punch, and he fought
the urge to take a step back.  Yes, now. But you don t have to be. I
could offer you a& deal of sorts.
The shark s gaze darkened, and his shoulders hunched forward.
When the delicate-looking, wide-eyed dragoness reached a hand to
him for comfort, the shark turned to look at her and their eyes met.
Not looking at David, he asked,  What kind of deal?
* * * *
160 Daisy Harris
Raider listened while the scientist outlined his dumb-ass plan to
try to get mere, sharks, and maybe even dragons to volunteer for his
company s scientific studies. He hid his disbelief for as long as
possible, but when the guy started talking money, Raider saw his
angle.  So you re going to bribe them?
The scientist fiddled with the bend of his glasses.  It s referred to
as compensating people for their time and effort.
Raider watched him through narrowed eyes.  And what type of
salary would I be looking at?
Years of practiced cool in his father s hold didn t stop Raider s
eyes from popping wide when the scientist gave him a number.
It was way too good to be true.  And how many would I have to
bring in for that kind of money?
 None, the scientist answered right away. He waved his arms
about as he spoke, starting to pace in front of the cells.  The first step
would be for you to act as an ambassador, like public relations. Later
I d train you to draw blood and collect other samples.
Raider tamped down the pounding of his heart. There had to be a
fucking catch.
 Of course, we d provide you with a boat. I can t promise a crew.
This would be top-secret in the early stages. But I assume you can
handle a craft.
His heart skipped a beat. Suddenly the land sickness that he d held
at bay returned. Raider wanted back on a boat more than anything,
well almost anything.
 Only if you let us go right now. Both of us.
The scientist s convivial air disappeared.  I d have to microchip
Raider raised his head to meet the other man s level gaze. The
doctor was no idiot.
 Do it.
Shark Bait 161
The doctor swung out of the room with a swish of white coat, and
returned a moment later holding a gun-type injector.  This chip will
release a poison into your system if you try to remove it yourself.
Raider s respect for the scientist grew by the minute.
 If you want it removed, you talk to me. You re free to quit
whenever you want, but I m not going to send your pay without
regular updates and some way to track your movements.
 Yeah, I get it.
The scientist s hand reached for the door to Raider s cell.  You
won t kill me when I open this, will you?
Raider s gaze swung to Sophia. Her whiskey eyes looked at him
with longing. If he was going to have any chance of keeping her he
needed a job. And he was going to keep her, even if he had to keep
her hostage for real.
 No. I won t kill you.
The scientist opened the door, took three steps, and fired the
injector into his deltoid. It stung for a moment. Sophia gasped, and
Raider noticed David turning toward her.
 She doesn t get one. Raider snarled, and the doctor had the good
sense to avert his gaze.
 Of course not. He started out the door, leaving it open for
Raider to follow.  Um& You should probably let me lead you out.
The sharks are all unconscious, but& well it s a bit of a& 
Raider caught a whiff of Sophia s scent. Lightening struck in his
brain, shooting straight down his spine to wrap under his cock. He
lunged at the door to her cell, finding that this time the plastic cracked
on impact.
 Hey! That s expensive! The scientist grabbed his arm with
surprising strength.  Breathe. I can t let her out if you re going to
attack her.
Raider used every ounce of his energy to rein in his muscles. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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