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ing, and that the happiness of all others
[11] Generate with great force the resolve to
together is more important than our own.
take upon yourself, and yourself alone, the
[7] Reflect on the disadvantages of cherishing burden of bringing about the welfare and
oneself and the advantages of cherishing relieving the suffering of all other sentient
others. beings.
[8] Engender the actual thought of exchang- [12] Generate the intention to become en-
ing self and other, exchanging cherishing of lightened for the benefit of all others.
Subscription Policy
Subscription Policy
Subscription Policy
Subscription Policy
Subscription Policy
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Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche s
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche s
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche s
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche s
Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso Rinpoche s
subscribed, we encourage you to do so by filling
commentary on Chandrakirti s
commentary on Chandrakirti s
commentary on Chandrakirti s
commentary on Chandrakirti s
commentary on Chandrakirti s
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The Entrance Into the Middle Way
The Entrance Into the Middle Way
The Entrance Into the Middle Way
The Entrance Into the Middle Way
The Entrance Into the Middle Way
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KSOC Meditation and Class Schedule
KSOC Meditation and Class Schedule
KSOC Meditation and Class Schedule
KSOC Meditation and Class Schedule
KSOC Meditation and Class Schedule
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9:30 a.m. Chenrezig practice
11:30 a.m. Teachings by Lama Tashi Namgyal
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Some people do not have any particularly preponderant klesha and are not
Some people do not have any particularly preponderant klesha and are not
Some people do not have any particularly preponderant klesha and are not
Some people do not have any particularly preponderant klesha and are not
Some people do not have any particularly preponderant klesha and are not
particularly involved with anything overtly unvirtuous. They are more afflicted
particularly involved with anything overtly unvirtuous. They are more afflicted
particularly involved with anything overtly unvirtuous. They are more afflicted
particularly involved with anything overtly unvirtuous. They are more afflicted
particularly involved with anything overtly unvirtuous. They are more afflicted
by the basic fundamental fixation on their own existence. Or, they might be
by the basic fundamental fixation on their own existence. Or, they might be
by the basic fundamental fixation on their own existence. Or, they might be
by the basic fundamental fixation on their own existence. Or, they might be
by the basic fundamental fixation on their own existence. Or, they might be
afflicted by doubt and hesitation. They may always wonder whether  such and
afflicted by doubt and hesitation. They may always wonder whether  such and
afflicted by doubt and hesitation. They may always wonder whether  such and
afflicted by doubt and hesitation. They may always wonder whether  such and
afflicted by doubt and hesitation. They may always wonder whether  such and
such is like this, or like that. Or you might be afflicted by meaningless regret,
such is like this, or like that. Or you might be afflicted by meaningless regret,
such is like this, or like that. Or you might be afflicted by meaningless regret,
such is like this, or like that. Or you might be afflicted by meaningless regret,
such is like this, or like that. Or you might be afflicted by meaningless regret,
constantly regretting things, constantly questioning your own actions. Or you
constantly regretting things, constantly questioning your own actions. Or you
constantly regretting things, constantly questioning your own actions. Or you
constantly regretting things, constantly questioning your own actions. Or you
constantly regretting things, constantly questioning your own actions. Or you
might be mostly afflicted by a state of neutral sleepiness, or simply by the
might be mostly afflicted by a state of neutral sleepiness, or simply by the
might be mostly afflicted by a state of neutral sleepiness, or simply by the
might be mostly afflicted by a state of neutral sleepiness, or simply by the
might be mostly afflicted by a state of neutral sleepiness, or simply by the
presence of a great deal of thoughts that are not particularly kleshas or nega-
presence of a great deal of thoughts that are not particularly kleshas or nega-
presence of a great deal of thoughts that are not particularly kleshas or nega-
presence of a great deal of thoughts that are not particularly kleshas or nega-
presence of a great deal of thoughts that are not particularly kleshas or nega-
tive in themselves. If any of these is your principal problem, then in the same
tive in themselves. If any of these is your principal problem, then in the same
tive in themselves. If any of these is your principal problem, then in the same
tive in themselves. If any of these is your principal problem, then in the same
tive in themselves. If any of these is your principal problem, then in the same
way, you aim your practice at that.
way, you aim your practice at that.
way, you aim your practice at that.
way, you aim your practice at that.
way, you aim your practice at that.
from Thrangu Rinpoche s commentary
from Thrangu Rinpoche s commentary
from Thrangu Rinpoche s commentary
from Thrangu Rinpoche s commentary
from Thrangu Rinpoche s commentary
on Creation and Completion
on Creation and Completion
on Creation and Completion
on Creation and Completion
on Creation and Completion
Kagyu Shenpen Ösel Chöling
P.O. Box 51113
Seattle, WA 98115
72 SHENPEN ÖSEL [ Pobierz caÅ‚ość w formacie PDF ]

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