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Jarosław Klebaniuk
University of Wroclaw
Political illusions in Poland from psychological perspective
The politicians ruling in Poland in 2007 astonish commentators by the militant
approach to foreign policy, by their uncommon views on people s rights and duties, and
by the ideology derived rather from the middle ages, when the Roman Catholic church
dominated in Europe, than from the nowadays political correctness trends. Such views
seem to be not easily translated to actions in the very heart of European Union, so
modern, so open-minded and so tolerant. But their actually do translate. Therefore the
problem with the coalition of the three Right-Wing parties (Law and Justice, Self-
defence and Polish Families League) are not their never-ending internal personal
quarrels, neither their weird attitude to European solidarity, reserved approach to
Germany and Russia, nor even in the anti-communist obsession, but lack of real
alternative. The issue I would like to define and tackle in the paper is the popularity of
the ruling party and so-called opposition party (Citizen Platform). The popularity of both
main political forces  if the opinion polls are trustworthy  is genuine and they are the
object of choice for about a half of the voters9. Is it a real choice? What are the
psychological reasons of such situation?
God, Nation and & Capitalism
Deriving the laws which are to be obeyed by at the Earth from so-called natural law,
whatever it means, seems to be the ideological trick of the remote past. The control of
sexuality, procreation and private life has a long totalitarian tradition, Christian, fascist
and communist. Unfortunately we do have such regulations in Poland today. The anti-
abortion law is one of the harshest in Europe (Ireland and Malta are the others in the
competition) and the case of Alicja Tysiac (who won her case in Strasbourg against the
Polish government after he was refused a legal abortion despite the fact that giving
birth endangered her life and health) proved that even that restricting law is not
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