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She hedges her hand toward mine, and I m quick to smack her away.
 Walk funny? I could barely stand. You didn t tell me it would feel like someone scraped me
raw with a sanding belt.
 Ooh! She squeals.  He must be a big one. Jemma starts in with a spontaneous applause.
 Would you stop? I throw a piece of my cookie at her.  I m glad you re amused, and, since you
asked, yes, he is well-endowed. Not that I would know the difference, but my insides seem to
confirm this theory all on their own.
 Anything else? She gravels it out, rife with sexual pretense.  Does that boy like toys or was
his new pet kitty enough to keep him occupied?
 No toys. But he does have an affinity for syrup. I clamp my hand over my mouth because I m
about to regret this.
Jemma lets out a whoop and stomps both her hands over the table like she s rooting for the home
team, and, in a way, she is.
 I called it! She howls.  That boy is a freak of nature.
 He is, but in a good way. I m afraid together we might be just plain freaks. I wrinkle my nose.
 I hate that I m older than him.
 You re insane.
 No, really. It sort of bugs me. I mean not when we re together. I don t even notice it. But I
wonder if other people do. Is that weird?
 Yes, and I think we ve already established the fact you re weird in general, so get over it.
You re the new it couple. You re the couple of the new millennium. You re like Ashton and Demi.
 Newsflash Ashton and Demi aren t together anymore. He s currently with a much younger
 So sue me. I ve got kids and live under a Dora-shaped rock. She leans in like a tiger about to
pounce.  So you sharing? Or is this one going on the private reserve list.
 No, I m not sharing.
 Sharing is caring.
God, she s drooling now.
 Creating STDs does not say you care. Holt is mine, back off, Jem. Besides, aren t you off the
She blows out an unsteady breath.  Ron says he wants to see other people.
 See? As in see other people?
 As in see what they have to offer under the hood, take  em for a test drive you know the drill
 try out another model. She picks up a cookie and taps it over the table.  But I guess I m okay with
it. She shakes out her blonde curls, and they catch the light streaming in from the window. I ve
always admired her lemon waves. In fact, I ve always admired everything about Jemma, but, lately,
her life just looks hard three kids, almost just as many husbands under her belt, and now this new
arrangement. I don t think I could handle it if Holt were seeing other people on the side.
 How are you okay with this? I m afraid to tread in this direction. I can tell by the crumbling
look of grief on her face that she s not okay with any of it.
 I don t know. I think maybe it s time to settle down and find me a sugar daddy. She blinks a
quick smile.  God knows I m going to need one. Denny hasn t paid child support in two months. If
this keeps up, I ll be needing a J-O-B, and the only J-O-B I m currently skilled at has the word blow
in front of it. Her expression sours.  Hey, you think Holt needs a new waitress at the bar?
 It s not that kind of bar. My lips twist.  I m teasing. I ll ask.
 Thanks. That way I can pull double duty and catch me one of those cute frat boys like you did.
We can start our own sorority the Cougar Club. Rawr! She claws the air, and suddenly I m fearing
for my eyes and my social standing.
 We re not old enough to qualify as cougars. I hope.
 You just keep believing that. And if anyone gives you any shit. You tell them you ve got an
entire den of crazy cats just waiting to pounce.
 Crazy cats. That sounds about right.
Lila rushes in and snatches a cookie off the table.
 Hey, that s not fair! She scolds through a laugh.  You guys ate all the cookies!
 Come here, you. Jemma scoops her up and plants a sweet kiss on top of her little blonde head.
 Hey girl! I give her finger a quick tug.  When are you coming to dance for me?
 I gonna go when my momma tells me. She smears the cookie over her mouth like lipstick.
 Good girl. Jemma buries another kiss in her hair before making crazy eyes at me. I know how
Jemma feels about the financial commitment that goes along with the studio. It s anything but cheap.
The monthly tuition can easily equate to a small car payment.
 How about I comp this one? I give a little wink.
 Your mother will shit a brick the size of a refrigerator.
Sometimes I think Jemma knows my mother better than I do.
 She won t have to. I m thinking of taking over the studio. She wants to sell.
Jemma sucks in a never-ending breath.  Are you shitting me? I would have thought she d keel
over in that place before she ever gave it away. What s the story?
 Greasy D was up to his old tricks, so I told him to take a hike. He took off, and now she s
blaming the studio for her inability to hang onto a  damn man. 
 Selling it over a damn man. She mindlessly picks up a cookie with her gaze fixed on a [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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