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who owned the mine where he d found his future, not anyone important, like Tania. They wouldn t
care two minutes after he was gone, as long as he paid what platinum was left on his bill. Probably
wouldn t even remember him for two seconds after he left.
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Sitting back down on the ground, he stared at his heartstone, at the thing he d searched his whole
life for. Smooth around the surface, the stone tingled under his touch. Cool for now, the heartstone
would warm once he found his mate. Or mates&
No, Tania had no one else yet. Once they d bonded, it was always possible they d find their third.
Mates of three were heartily desired, though not always found. Amory s family had been a coveted
threesome. Only one other type of threesome was more prized by Union Alliance than what his
family had been.
The heartstone was his. He stared into its inky depths, thanking any God he could for letting him
stumble upon it.Bren . He must remember to thank Bren before he left. If Bren hadn t sensed the
heartstone there, Amory might not have found anything.
Would he say good-bye to the big man then?
He didn t want to say good-bye. Only wanted to leave. But he had to. He owed the other man his
life now.
He tried to call to mind Tania s image, to think of her face. But all his mind could picture was Bren
pumping into Zelda from behind the way he had when he d first met them. How her body had moved
with each thrust into her. How their bodies had clenched as they found their final pleasure. She d
turned to him, breasts unbound, bouncing with every word she d spoken. They d been dark tipped
and hard.
His cock sprang up into his first erection. He shuddered from the feeling of his member growing
turgid. His hand moved down his chest to clutch at his rigidness.
His first erection had been over Bren and Zelda. Dammit. His first erection was supposed to be
about Tania, perhaps even to be with Tania. Not those two. This was all wrong. He willed the
hardness to go back down. His rebellious cock grew tighter as more thoughts of the couple assailed
him. Such a feeling.
Get out of my head.
His hand clutched the stone tightly. Only they weren t there. Not really. Amory had been the one to
bring them into his mind. They didn t even know they d come into his special moment. He had to
shake Zelda and Bren off, get them out of his life, so he could go back to being normal again.
Only he couldn t bring to mind her face. Her features would linger momentarily before being
replaced by a mocha-skinned beauty.
No matter how many times he tried to deny them, they kept appearing in his mind. In his memories.
The only thing that would free him was distance. And now, he could achieve that. He could go home.
To the woman he d vowed to return and claim.
He was happy about that, damn it. As he should be.
He slowly unfurled his hand from around his heartstone before staring down into its glowing depths,
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asking questions the hard piece of rock had no answers for.
* * * * *
Bren s pace quickened until Zelda was dashing to keep up.  Why are you in such a rush? Where are
we going? She kept up at her own pace. He could run if he wanted to. She wouldn t.
 Amory was about to find his heartstone. Bren blew out a breath.  I had wanted to be there. But,
then, you paged me.
His heartstone? Her heart fluttered. So soon? If only the search had taken a few days more. What
was she saying? She had no claim on Amory or his search. Let him go off and get his heart broken. It
was all the same to her. Only with Amory, nothing was the same. Hadn t been since the day he d
walked into her life.  I didn t page you, Bren. Are you sure he was going to find his heartstone?
He looked at her skeptically.
 The situation was just two yokels digging near our private quarters. I had to roust them. That s all.
I put the fear of me in one of them because he s a double-dicked bastard. Why would I need your
help with that? Bren knew she could take care of herself. He liked that about her. He could as well
and was a good man to have at your back in a fight. Together, they d won every fight they d ever
been forced into. Neither of them sought out a battle. But they d fight hard when pushed.
 Well, if you didn t page me& who did? Bren s expression shifted to puzzled. His eyebrows drew
up. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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