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hands and trying not to think about tomorrow. None of this would change. There would still be feelings
between them. He wasn't going to change his mind about her.
She stopped at the door and looked up at him as he turned to face her. She let herself believe that the
look in his eyes was for her, that he didn't want to leave, and that this was hurting him as much as it was
Opening the door, she forced a smile as he stepped out into the hallway. His hand took hold of hers
again and he toyed with her fingers, looking at them. When he raised his head, she gave him another
smile, trying to hide how much she was hurting. She didn't want him to leave. She didn't want to go back
to the real world.
He kissed her briefly and caressed her cheek with the back of his fingers, smiling at her.
"I'll see you tomorrow, he said and kissed her again.
She nodded. He would. There was a meeting tomorrow to discuss the contract. She felt sick at the
prospect of having to sit so close to him and not being able to touch him, or look at him for too long.
He moved a few steps, his hand still in hers, but then came back to her and kissed her again. It was
harder this time. There was no sadness in it, only passion and hunger like he'd shown her last night. She
threw her arms around his neck and lost herself in it, pouring out her feelings into it and ridding herself of
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them as she told herself that everything was going to be fine. She smiled against his mouth, thrilled by the
desperate way he was kissing her, and then pushed his shoulder.
"Go, she said with an even broader smile.
He grinned and kissed her one last time before his hand slipped from hers. She watched him walk to the
stairs and held her hand up in a wave as he looked back at her. He blew her a kiss and disappeared
down the stairs.
She sighed and leaned against the doorframe, listening to his receding footsteps.
Tomorrow would be fine. If she was lucky, he'd ask for somewhere to smoke and she'd have some time
alone with him.
She grinned.
Life was suddenly looking up.
Chapter 14
Erik stood the moment the door opened and Laura walked into the room looking a little flustered. She
hurried to her desk and placed down the files she was holding and then turned to face him with a bright
"Mr. Blackwell, we weren't expecting you until eleven. I hope nothing is wrong, she said, her cheery
voice doing nothing to cover the tightness in it.
He knew what she meant by nothing be wrong. She was panicking that he was going to pull out of the
contract negotiations with them and find another lawyer. He smiled.
"Nothing like that, I assure you, he said and she visibly relaxed for a moment before acting as though
she didn't know what he was talking about.
She knew.
He paced across the room, trying to think of the best way to say what he had to as his heart battled
against his mind. He knew this was wrong of him, and that there was a chance Kim wouldn't see his
actions in the same light that he did, but he had to do it. She'd said it herself.
"I want Kim off the case. His heart ached in his chest and he took a deep breath, forcing himself to
continue reciting the words he'd practiced so well since yesterday.
"Why? She hasn't done anything to upset you, has she? Laura moved towards him.
He sidestepped her, not wanting her close to him. He didn't want to be here at all. But he did want Kim
to feel as though she could be with him without losing her job.
"No, on the contrary. She's been wonderful. I just don't think she's right for this case."
Laura gave him a knowing look and nodded.  I see. This is because she asked those questions on
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Friday. What did she say to you in the lift?"
He rubbed the bridge of his nose to ease his building headache and said nothing. Kim had done nothing
wrong in the lift. If anything, he was the guilty party. He was the one doing things wrong. He didn't mind
that Kim asked questions about the contract, that was just her job, and he'd gladly explain things to her if
he could find a way of doing it that she'd understand. He had to tell her. Since leaving her yesterday, he'd
spent the whole time thinking about her and what was going to happen when she found out about him,
and had decided that he had to tell her as soon as possible. Maybe then she would be more
understanding about it.
Maybe then she wouldn't leave him.
He growled under his breath, quiet enough that Laura wouldn't hear him. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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