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jacket as she ran for the door. The night before after Jo had left; Blair had tossed and turned the
entire night. She was so wired that she had gotten back up and lay on the couch to watch an old
movie, which is where she woke up already 40 minutes late for meeting Jo.
She broke the sound barrier getting to the precinct and used her position as the DA to get out of a
speeding ticket. She ran up the steps of the precinct, through the doors and down the hallway that
led to the stairs that would take her to the basement. She was within two foot of the doors when
she heard her name called. She stopped and dropped her head, a low growl rumbled in her chest.
She turned slowly and looked from beneath dark brows. When she saw, who had called her, she
slapped her forehead with an open palm.
"Am I going to have to move to New Zealand to get away from you people!?" Watching as her
ex-husband walked up to her with a huge grin on his face.
"Blair darling, we were worried about you." He buzzed her cheek; stood back and looked her up
and down. "That's my old shirt, why are you dressed like a homeless person?"
"That's my business. Now why are you here?"
"Your mother was worried about you and I just happened to be coming this way."
"So you decided to spy on me."
"Now darling, you know better than that."
"It's Jo isn't it? Mother sent you because she knows that Jo's here."
He rubbed his chin and grinned at her. "She did mention something about a...how did she put it?"
He looked up at the ceiling. "Blue collar born..."
"Low life scum?" Blair finished for him. "You go back and tell my mother to stay out of my
personal life."
"Why so harsh?"
"Why not? I'm close to being forty and my mother is still trying to get dates for me! I'm not
"She just worries that you'll end up all alone."
"Don't give me that line of hers..." She stopped mid sentence when she heard a loud yell come
from the gym. Her blood froze and before she knew it, she was busting through the door.
"You evil little troll!" Jo growled. "Take it back or I break your legs!" She was straddling Jacks
back; she was bending her one foot it towards her own rear. "I can't hear you Jack; now take
back what you said!"
"OK! She's not a bimbo!" Jo got up off her, jerked her to her feet and kicked her in her ass. "Now
get back ta the office and play with Snuggles." Jo sniffed the air and smiled, she could smell
Blair's perfume and from the strength, she knew she was close by. She pulled her sweaty T-shirt
up over her head and turned to see Blair and a strange man. Her blue eyes blazed then narrowed
to just slits.
Blair noticed the quick change in her friend and panicked; she rushed forward and took Jo by her
"It's OK, that's Jerry." She looked up into blue eyes and whispered. "I missed you."
Jo looked down at her with a crooked grin. "I missed you to," she squeezed her hand. "Why is he
"Spying on me," looking down the length of Jo's neck she blushed when she came to the top of a
very revealing sports bra. She pulled on the tab of the zipper that went up the front and trailed
her eyes back up to lock with blue. "Jo, kiss me."
Jo leaned down to capture Blair's lips in a breath-stealing kiss. She then pulled away and ran her
finger across Blair's full lower lip. "You know you drive me crazy don't you?"
"No more than you drive me." She heard someone clearing their throat behind her. Her face and
neck turned a deep crimson when she remembered who was with her. "Ohh God Jerry!" She
buried her face against Jo's chest, after a few deep breaths she turned to her grinning ex-husband.
"Jerry, this is Jo Polniaczek." She groaned when he sauntered up to them. "Joey, this is my ex-
mistake Jerry MacPherson."
Jo held out her hand, the minute Jerry put his hand delicately into hers she squeezed his fingers
until she could see the pain in his eyes. "Nice ta meet ya Jerry."
"Same here." He squawked.
"If you're here to cause any trouble for Blair," she leaned towards him. "I'll break your arms and
"Oohh Blair, she's rich." He chuckled and rubbed his smashed fingers. "That was some show you
two put on for me, Blair can I take you to breakfast, my treat."
"Jerry, I'm here because Jo and I have some interviews that we need to do this morning."
"Well, how about lunch? I have a friend of your mothers with me that I am just dying for you
two to meet." He emphasized every word making himself sound like a huge drag queen.
"No Jerry! I told you, I refuse to have my mother finding me men and that includes you doing it
"But he's a very nice person; I think you'll like him."
"Listen asshole!" Jo pulled Blair in front of her and wrapped a possessive arm under her breasts.
"Leave my lover alone, she doesn't need nor want anything with a dick, so take yours and go
shove it up that guy's ass."
"She's so butch!" He reached out to touch her biceps, Jo placed her hands over Blair's ears to
shield her from what she was about to say.
"Listen you cock sucker, what do we have ta do ta get it through your head? You wanna watch
me go down on her, is that it?"
His face turned deathly pale at her words. "Oohh my, such a crude mouth."
Blair pulled Jo's hands from her ears and turned to face her. "Let's invite the two of them to go
out with us tonight." She winked at Jo.
"Good idea baby." She looked over Blair's shoulder at Jerry. "Naval yard, midnight, warehouse
with red doors, be there." Taking Blair's hand, she pulled her towards the locker room door. She
stopped before going in. "Why don't you take him up to my office, get the directions to the naval
yard off L. Then I'll be right up after my shower." She ran her finger across Blair's pouting lip.
"Baby, I would love for ya ta come in here with me, but I know I can't control myself right now."
She kissed her softly on her lips. "That's not how I want us to be the first time."
Blair sighed; she leaned against Jo's chest for a few seconds absorbing her heat. "I don't trust
myself either." She kissed Jo's chest and moaned. "Hurry." She turned and dragged her unwilling
feet towards where Jerry waited.
Jo stood under the spray of cold water willing her body to calm down. She had never felt this
aroused before from a kiss, she had had her share of lovers, but none of them had the effect that
Blair did on her and they weren't even lovers yet. Just thinking of being with Blair in that way
caused her blood to head south. She finished her shower and stood looking in the mirror. What
she saw was a different person, not because all the swelling and bruising had left her battered
face. It was her eyes, they were clear of the spidery webs from alcohol for the first time in
months. No more were the deep dark circles that shadowed her pale blue eyes either. She grinned
at herself as she brushed out her long dark hair. "I found the key." Tossing her brush in to her [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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