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male and female principles, and where both lines intersect is
logically the point where the creative energy is strongest and
where it immediately becomes effective.
If you spread your arms sideways in a horizontal direction,
you form this mystical cross; you yourself are a representation
of man and wife in reciprocal action. Your own body, your own
Inner, becomes the scene of action of the creative activity of
both fundamental energies. There are gestures, positions or pos-
tures of the body which contain a greater meaning than that
which is understood superficially through a point of view that is
coarsely or mechanically inclined. Yes, bodily functions are at
times the cover of a higher spiritual principle which will only
blossom in you when you have matured!
If the preponderance within you is male and if you are,
through your upbringing, inclined to male activities, it is of ne-
cessity first to strengthen, develop, and practice the female en-
ergies within you. This occurs by getting in touch with the uni-
versal cosmic female energy which exists outside of you.
Implementation: Face south, close your eyes, and take the
position of the cross. The palms of your hands face upwards and
at the same time assume a receptive gesture. Now concentrate
with your entire inner attention upon the central point in both
palms of your hands. In a very short while, you will feel how
the current of the astral light flows over and into you at this
point. You feel a prickle, a suction, a very fine ripple of the
highest and most peculiar nature. This perception has nothing to
do with autosuggestion. However, this state can only be
achieved if you are sufficiently prepared; otherwise this effort
will be a waste. It would be without purpose to begin the second
part of this exercise if you have not completed the first part.
In regards to the second part of this exercise, you have to
be satisfied with indications, which will suffice to inform you
enough, provided the "love from above" will help you. Know
that the breathing process conceals a love mystery. Inhalation,
exhalation, and breath-retention are the different phases of the
procreational and birthing process. Its deeper significance will
be revealed to you under the proper circumstances at the right
Do you want to procreate the Divine Child within you?
Then be worthy of the Divine Child. . .
The Significance Of Christmas
If you have penetrated deeply enough into these matters, then
Christmas, along with many other things, will unveil itself as a
highly meaningful analogy. An inner process is here appropri-
ately characterized through an external symbolism. Ask your-
self: Who is "Joseph"? Who is "Maria"? Why was this festival
celebrated during the days which usher in the return of the sun
for the northern hemisphere? Why does the Christ child come
into the world in an animal stable? And what is your opinion
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about the profound symbolism of the Christmas tree, which now
shint1s above our Yuletide festivities?
Contemplate these matters with your heart. . . If you have
followed all of these instructions and have practiced them as
they were intended, then you know what the sage wanted to say
when he said: "Behold, all things are becoming new!"
From now on you stand perfectly happy and reconciled in
the changing world of appearances. You have found the anchor-
age which can never be lost.
The Might Of Renunciation
You have already begun to make a peculiar discovery. You
yourself are transformed, and with this transformation you at-
tain everything that you do and say in a transformed sense. Ini-
tiall y, it is a new and surprising power. Your thoughts and
wishes begin to realize themselves in physical form before your
very eyes, where and how and when you expect it the least. The
fulfillment of old yearnings awaits you somewhere on your
path. The earlier slow pace of your life's carriage increases un-
expectedly into a fast gallop. It seems that the hindrances which
have remained with you for so long have now fallen by the
wayside. With your inner life, your outer life will change as
However, the word that you speak with full consciousness
and will shall achieve an unrecognized significance. It becomes
a cosmic order which brings serving energies or powers of a
very high potency into motion. You will learn to see the magic
of blessings in an entirely new light. With these new powers,
you will load an immense responsibility upon your soul. Always
be mindful of this, even when it comes to the most trivial mat-
ters in the course of your life!
The Teachings Of The
Spiritual Vacuum
To reiterate the arc anum of these effects is called renunciation.
It is not a renunciation that is learned superficially or through
autosuggestion, or a renunciation for selfish purposes, an
imaginary renunciation, but an inner renunciation that is true
and mystical, where it makes no difference whether one lives in
poverty or wealth, humility or splendor, a renunciation through
which the things of this world are in truth only a meaningless
garment. Being perfectly happy or having no wishes whatsoever
guards the entrance to these mysteries, and nobody will reach
the inner sanctum of the temple who does not enter it with clean
What happens in such a case is this: By not wishing for
anything in regards to an occurrence, a vacuum is formed in the
causal world. As little as outer nature permits a vacuum, neither
does the spiritual world allow it; instead, it seeks to fill it as
quickly as possible. This equalization can only lie in the ful-
fillment of that which you have chosen not to desire, because
that is the thing which corresponds precisely with the vacuum.
You see, within all this you will find a contradiction with
which you must somehow come to terms. When wishes that you
no longer harbor fulfill themselves as a result of this renuncia-
tion, they are therefore no longer fulfillments of "wishes." In
other words: The fulfillment of a wish that has truly been re-
nounced is a meaningless thing for the true mystic. And it
should be! Here too, infinite wisdom knows exactly what she is
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doing; she lays the whole world at the feet of the mature human
being. Only he knows how to properly make use of it, because
he no longer takes more of the treasures of the world than what
he requires for his higher tasks.
Universe Meditations *
Go outside on a clear night and look for a quiet and protected
place under the starry sky where you can be alone and undis-
turbed. Should it be winter, practice this meditation in your
room, perhaps by a window. Begin by examining the most beau-
tiful and largest constellations; remain longer with those that [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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