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I decided that after my shower, I would not dry off. Instead, I would stretch a towel
across the bed and greet my were nude. He wouldn t be able to get the shopping bags into
the room fast enough.
It was a wicked idea, but then Bryce had put me in a wicked mood.
Satisfied with my plan for seduction, I made my way off the bed and headed toward
the bathroom.
There was a soft, discreet knock at the door. I inhaled trying to catch the scent on the
other side. Whoever it was had tried to cloak a smell of onions and fried foods with cheap
Cautiously, I moved toward the door.  Yes?
An Unnatural Worth 93
 Hello. I m here to see the& wolf. There was apprehension in the male voice and his
heartbeat. It wasn t the sound of one heart, but at least four.
The wolf? Growing more nervous by the second, I knew something was wrong.
 There s no wolf here, I snapped back.  What do you want?
 Just looking for the wolf, he repeated.
Backing away from the door, I sought out my cane. It was the closest thing I had to a
weapon, and I clutched it with a death grip.  I said that there s no wolf here. You ve got the
wrong place.
 No, this is the right fucking place. Open up. The man s voice took on a totally
different tone as if he couldn t restrain his impatience for one second more. Banging on the
door with a heavy, insistent fist, the man rattled the wooden doorknob but did not break it.
Heart hammering inside of my chest, I thought about going to the door and bracing my
back against it for reinforcement. Before I was able to move in that direction, I heard a loud,
metallic snap and the jostling of something heavy. More disturbing than any noise was the
sound of two slowly beating hearts;it was the soft rhythm indicative of vampires.
 Lexis. Long time no see.
I recognized the voice. It belonged to Lazuri. She was Janos s second in command, the
one who had betrayed my arrogance to the overlord. Her contempt of me was just as obvious
as it had been the day that I was damned to sightlessness.
Listening to every sound in the room, I heard the click of her stilettos. Two gusts of
wind moved toward me, the sound of vampires moving at hyper speeds. I swung my cane but
hit nothing. Instead, something crashed into me.
The cane was knocked from my hand. The blunt force of a fist smashed into my jaw,
sending me to the floor.
 Careful, Terell, Lazuri warned.  You ll damage his handsome face, and Janos will
have your hide. He did say that he wanted the vamp unharmed. Take him.
94 Mya
Lazuri s goons, barely turned vampires, seized me by the arms and lifted me off the
floor. Despite my best attempts to pull free, they held me solid. While inwardly I prayed for
Bryce s swift return, I was not ready to consign defeat just yet.
 Come on now, you pretty, pitiful thing. Keep still, one of the goons hissed at me.
I turned to the sound and spat.  Fuck you.
 No. Fuck you!
A blow to the gut took the wind out of me.
 He s not bad looking at all. Blind, huh?
Fingers combed through my scalp. I yanked my head away.  Get your fucking hands
off me! Control your slaves, Lazuri.
The bitch laughed. I heard a few short clicks of her heels before the sound of the bed
creaking indicated that she had sat down.  Always one to give orders, eh, Lex? I thought we
already established that you weren t meant to give orders. Yet still you persist. It s amusing
There were no words foul enough for what I wanted to tell the spiteful witch, namely
that I wanted her off of my fucking bed. It had been years since I had been in the coven.
Then I had been Janos s favorite, and her jealousy was still evident. She had always wanted
to destroy me, I knew.  How did Janos find me? What does he want?
 Janos likes to consider himself a preemptive man. You know that, Lexis. When our
benevolent leader heard you had been freed from your prison, he decided to offer you a bit
of amnesty. You ve suffered enough, he feels. He s willing to forgive you.
I didn t have to sniff to smell the lie coming from her lips.  Forgive me? He left me for
fucking dead.
 That was meant to be a time of reflection.
 There was nothing to reflect on. I m done with him, you, and the entire coven. Now,
how the hell did you even find me?
An Unnatural Worth 95
Lazuri tutted.  Okay, okay. You got me. It wasn t you we were looking into. There was
a werewolf who was asking about a certain vampire. It turns out that werewolf was also an
escapee of the same human science camp that held you. Imagine our surprise when we
realized he was with you.
Listening to her, I didn t know whether to be furious or betrayed. I had told Bryce not
to bother where my past was concerned. I had warned him not to inquire about Janos, and
yet he had gone behind my back. He had jeopardized everything that we had for what?
Noble, stupid wolf&
Lazuri s human lackey balked.  A real werewolf, huh? Fangs and fur and all?
 Oh, yes. They exist, Lazuri squealed with sarcasm.  I ve got to hand it to you, Lex.
You get thrown into the sun, then a human lab prison, and still you come out on top. You
have the best damn luck.
Bryce. My Bryce. As much as I faulted my stupid lover, his attempt to exact revenge,
his deception& I couldn t deny that he meant the world to me. I couldn t say that he didn t
bring me to life again, if only for a short while. An itch, a bit of moisture irritated the corner
of my eye as I thought about how the werewolf would respond when he discovered me
missing. My thoughts ran toward the foulest path imaginable.
There was no reason for me to fight.
96 Mya
Chapter Ten
They taunted me for the entirety of the ride, laughing at the sightless freak. It was as
different as night and day from the car ride with Bryce and Cheetah. They gave me no hint
where we were headed, and I didn t ask. For the first hour, it didn t matter.
My thoughts were only of Bryce. What would he do when he discovered me gone?
Would he put himself in danger trying to find me? Could he find me? I knew he would try
and that was the only reason why I wished for life.
As much as I wanted to blame him and his inquisitiveness for my predicament, I found
blame useless. What Bryce had done for me was needed to make me strong. What happened
next needed to be my concern.
I was surely going to meet the sun. Maybe it would have been inevitable; maybe I was [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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