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[But we want to make it clearly understood that we do not cast horoscopes
for money, or tell fortunes. Our work is a strictly humanitarian undertak-
ing. To us, Astrology is a phase of religion.]
Parents have an exceptional opportunity and may lay up much treasure in
heaven by judicious care of growing children based upon knowledge of tenden-
cies to disease revealed by the horoscope. The writers rely implicitly upon
the horoscope's testimony and though in a few cases doubts have been ex-
pressed as to the correctness of our diagnosis, because it varied from that
of practitioners in personal touch with the patient, subsequent developments
have invariable vindicated our judgment and proved the far-reaching penetra-
tion of Astrology which is as much in advance of the X-Ray as that is supe-
rior to a candle, for even though the X-Ray were capable of illuminating the
entire body to such an extent that we could see each individual cell in ac-
tivity, it could only show the conditions of the body at a given moment.
But the horoscope shows incipient disease from the cradle to the grave, thus
it gives us ample time to apply the ounce of prevention, and maybe escape an
illness, or at least, ameliorate its severity when disease has overtaken us.
It indicates to the day when crises are due. Thus forewarned, we may take
extra precautionary measures to tide over the critical point. It indicates
when the inimical influences will wane and fortifies us to bear present suf-
fering with strength born of the knowledge that recovery at a specific time
is certain. Thus Astrology offers help and hope in a manner obtainable by
no other method; for its scope is wider than all other systems, and it pen-
etrates to the very soul of Being.
If letters of fire that would burn themselves into the consciousness of
the reader were obtainable, we would spare no effort to procure them for the
purpose of warning students on some particular points in connection with the
practice of medical Astrology; these are:
Never tell a patient a discouraging fact.
Never tell him when impending crises are due.
Never predict sickness at a certain time.
Never, NEVER predict death.
It is a grave mistake, almost a crime, to tell sick persons anything dis-
couraging, for it robs them of strength that should be husbanded with the
utmost care to facilitate recovery. It is also wrong to suggest sickness to
a well person, for it focuses the mind on a specific disease at a certain
time, and such a suggestion is liable to cause sickness. it is a well known
fact that many students in medical colleges feel the symptoms of every dis-
ease they study, and suffer greatly in consequence of auto-suggestion, but
the idea of impending disease implanted by one in whom the victim has faith
is much more dangerous; therefore it behooves the medical astrologer to be
very cautious. If you cannot say anything encouraging, be silent.
This warning applies with particular force when treating patients having
Taurus or Virgo rising or the Sun or Moon in those signs. These positions
predispose the mind to center on disease, often in a most unwarranted man-
ner. The Taurean fears sickness to an almost insane degree, and prediction
of disease is fatal to this nature. The Virgos court disease, in order to
gain sympathy, and though professing to long for recovery, they actually de-
light in nursing disease. They beg to know their symptoms, the crises, and
delight in probing the matter to the depths; they will plead ability to
stand full knowledge and profess that it will help them; but if the practi-
tioner allows himself to be enticed by their protestations, and does tell
them, they wilt like a flower. They are the most difficult people to help
in any case, and extra care should be taken not to aggravate their chances
by admissions of the nature indicated.
Besides, thought the writers have used medical Astrology for many years
and with astonishing success, and though Astrology, as a science, is abso-
lutely exact and infallible, it must not be forgotten that there remains
nevertheless the chance of mistaken judgment on the part of the practitioner
and the chance that the person whose horoscope he is judging may assert his
will to such an extent that it overrules the indication in the horoscope.
He may change his mode of life without knowing what would have happened if
he had gone on as before, and thus he may be in no danger at the time when
the tendency to sickness shown by the horoscope arrives; it is cruel to un-
settle his mind in any case. Naturally, the young student would be most li-
able to make a mistake in judgment, but no one is immune. We remember a
case that came to our notice recently. One of the most prominent European
astrologers predicted for a client in South Africa that on a certain date he
would have a severe haemorrhage of the lungs. The poor man wrote to us for
help, but though liability to colds in the lungs was shown, we saw no seri-
ous trouble at the time predicted, nor has haemorrhage been experienced in
the year elapsed between that time and the present writing.
Some students have a morbid desire to know the time of their own death,
and probe into this matter in a most unwarranted manner; but not matter how
they may seek to deceive themselves there are very few who have the mental
and moral stamina to live life in the same manner, if they knew with abso-
lute certainty that on a certain date their earthly existence would be ter-
minated. That is one of the points most wisely hidden until we are to see
on both sides of the veil, and we do wrong, no matter what our ground, to
seek to wrest that knowledge from the horoscope.
Moreover, it has been well said that "the doctor who prescribes for him-
self has a fool for a patient," and this applies to diagnosis of one's own
horoscope with tenfold force, for there we are all biased; either we make
too light of conditions, or we take them too seriously, particularly if we
investigate the time and mode of death. We remember a case where an intel-
lectual women, principal of a private school in New York, wrote asking for
admission to our correspondence class, "if we thought it worth while, as she
was going to die the first week in March." She gave us all the aspects upon
which she based her judgment, and as one of the writers had just emerged
hale and hearty from similar configurations, she gave the lade in question a
good talking to that straightened her out; she told the lady she (the
writer) expected to live to a ripe age. Now that lady is thinking of a use-
ful life, she has learned to forget death. Astrology is too sacred to be
thus misused. Let the student forget about his own horoscope and devote his
knowledge to helping others; then it will aid him in accumulating treasure
in heaven as no other line of spiritual endeavor will.
When we study magnetism we are dealing with an invisible force; and ordi-
narily we can at best state the way it manifests in the physical world, as
is the case whenever we deal with any FORCE. The physical world is the
world of effects; the causes are hidden from our sight, though they are
nearer than hands or feet. Force is all about us, invisible and only seen
by the effects it produces.
If we take a dish of water, for illustration, and allow it to freeze, we
shall see a myriad of ice crystals, beautiful geometrical figures. These
show the lines along which the water congealed and these lines are lines of
force which were present before the water congealed; but they were invisible
until the proper conditions were furnished them and they became manifest. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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